

&Time after time
school reopens
adria's birthday-24/1
jean's birthday-11/2
chinese new year 18-20/2
esther's birthday-28/2
march holidays
rachel's birthday-2/5
POTC with xinwei-28/5
bowling at seletar-31/5
cassandra's birthday-3/6
whit's birthday-21/6
amanda's birthday-7/7
tairong's birthday-14/7
peijung's birthday-14/7
xinwei's birthday-21/7
national day-9/8
walter's birthday-23/8
jocelyn's birthday-15/9
amanda's birthday-19/9
julia's birthday-24/9
bryan's birthday-7/10
jolyn's birthday-15/12
claire's birthday-21/12
We are planning to transfer to the school next door...
Monday, August 27 // 8:53 PM
-CHARMAINE ♥i'm acting like a lovesick fool says:
zai jian
-CHARMAINE ♥i'm acting like a lovesick fool says:
wo yao qu or or le!
-CHARMAINE ♥i'm acting like a lovesick fool says:
wo men she kewlzxz de ma!
Julia Juddy! YES YOU`RE TOO HEAVY says:
Julia Juddy! YES YOU`RE TOO HEAVY says:
hen hao
-CHARMAINE ♥i'm acting like a lovesick fool says:
tai hao le...
Julia Juddy! YES YOU`RE TOO HEAVY says:
zui hao
-CHARMAINE ♥i'm acting like a lovesick fool says:
wo men shi chong zhong guo lai de
Julia Juddy! YES YOU`RE TOO HEAVY says:
wo chong yin du lai de
-CHARMAINE ♥i'm acting like a lovesick fool says:
hua yu shi jiu hao de
-CHARMAINE ♥i'm acting like a lovesick fool says:
na wei shen me ni de hua yu zhe me hao
-CHARMAINE ♥i'm acting like a lovesick fool says:
bi wo hao ne...
-CHARMAINE ♥i'm acting like a lovesick fool says:
ni shi jui kewlzxz de worhxzx
Julia Juddy! YES YOU`RE TOO HEAVY says:
wo de hua yu bu ji ge
-CHARMAINE ♥i'm acting like a lovesick fool says:
wo de gen bu ji ge or...
-CHARMAINE ♥i'm acting like a lovesick fool says:
hao le...bu zai tan le..
-CHARMAINE ♥i'm acting like a lovesick fool says:
wo dei qu shui le...
-CHARMAINE ♥i'm acting like a lovesick fool says:
zai jian
-CHARMAINE ♥i'm acting like a lovesick fool says:
ni hao
-CHARMAINE ♥i'm acting like a lovesick fool says:
Julia Juddy! YES YOU`RE TOO HEAVY says:
Julia Juddy! YES YOU`RE TOO HEAVY says:
-CHARMAINE ♥i'm acting like a lovesick fool says:
Julia Juddy! YES YOU`RE TOO HEAVY says:

// 4:27 PM

-had school
-after school went to ecp with xinwei and the other people for in-line skating and cycling....which was really stupid! cause...we already know how to skate and we only cycled for 15 mins. and during that suppose-to-be-cycling-15-minutes...me and xinwei cycled to the little sheltered area at the beach to EAT. HAHA! :DDD this years health week seemed SOOOOO much more fun compared to last year. OMG...SOOOO much difference.
-reached school at around 6
-bused to cine and queued up for tickets...
-bought famous amous cookies and muffin...bought mrs finchOOPS! XINWEI JUST TOLD ME THAT IT IS FIELDS NOT FINCH! HHAHAHHAHA! christmas thingys (is it mrs finch?! OMG in TKAM mrs finch would be...attcus's wife!! hahahahha okay nvm)
-this fat lady that kept on SQUEEZING pass me and xinwei actually stepped or STOMPed on my christmas thingys and MY FEET! i was damn pissed cause i got stomped on from saving cookies...and right..she squeezed pass again along with 2 other skinny people. OMG...total 6 times of people crossing. URGH...but anyways...the movie was GOOD (:
-walked to taka to buy cookies...THEY WERE CLOSED!!! D: so...walked with xinwei to the ENTRANCE of the underpass to the MRT...i'm just so so so nice right?! HAHAHA! joking joking. yeap...
-then i walked all the way back to the taxi stand and waited 20mins for my mum
SORRY XINWEI FOR DROPPING YOUR PHONE (one movie ticket okay? you go yourself! haha!)

-Had school...
-after school was kayaking with mongyi (:
-it turned out to be canoeing and not kayaking in the end. HAHA! :DDD but anyways....
-IT'S SO SO SO SO FUN! OMG! we were fighting...okay more like i was fighting with MAH MAY MO THU! damn fun! and also water fights with mongyi's sister and her friend. HAHA! damn fun!
-almost fell asleep in the bus with wet fbts and a half wet shirt.
-changed in school, met amanda and whit who just came back from clay shooting.
-amanda came over and i slept...ignoring her "I WANT TO GO TO NEWTON" & "I'M HUNGRY, I WANT SUPPER" questions. HAHAHAHAHHA! but i really thought she was KIDDING!
-so...walked to SPC with her and we got...lo mai kai (however it is spelled) and milo thingys and yakult!!! ((:
-ate at the bus stop...damn embarrassing...
-on the way to the opp bus stop..i was scaring amanda with the ghost at rachel's house. HAHAHAHA! :DDD then i got freaked out while watching the 9o'clock show! ugh! the ghost suddenly appeared on the screen like at the steps and then there was like lightning and stuff...so i didn't really watch..i was like using my fringe to block the screen. HAH! :D
-contiued watching tv!!!
SORRY AMANDA FOR NOT WALKING YOU TO NEWTON (but eating at the bus stop was fun right?!)

-woke up at like 1pm ++ hahahhaa! oops...then i went to shower...
-slacked the whole day
-6:40 left house for seletar
-but then it rained....so all the coaches left while
-bra nat taijun and me had dinner at the golf terrace...
-chu came and bra went off with her to the courts
-she's scared of the dark dark dark pathway to the pool cafe...DAMN RETARDED
-so played without the coaches...HAHA! RALLY!!!
-went to the karaoke room to meet my dad and guess what?!

1) when i was talking to my dad, then suddenly this man with an obviously red and DRUNK face sat next to us (he's my dad's "friend" i guess...) and i took a FEW steps back and gave him the OH-MY-GOD-GET-AWAY-FROM-ME-YOU-GAY face...UGH!
2)this OLD guy actuall literally JUMPED on to another OLD guy when he was sitting...
3) these two OLD women were hugging when some guy was singing...
4)this old man started hugging my dad from the back! i was wondering whether was my dad like turning GAY or something...with that old guy!!! YUCK YUCK YUCK

i sat at the corner of the karaoke room...DISGUSTED.

-julia came over from 10+ till 12 cause she had to go to vivo
-OH OH! and i had my geog book infront of me the WHOLE DAY
-but DURRHH i wasn't reading...HAHAHAHA!
-so TODAY'S GEOG TEST...comfirm FAIL

i really wonder what ever happened to the standard of sc....when i was a small primary one girl i use to think that sc was one of the top schools in singapore...and then only when i was in sec 1 and some relatives started asking..." eh charmaine ah, what school are you in?" me, "scgs" them,"huh? what school is that?" me,"Singapore Chinese Girls School" them,"ohhh...." I BET TILL NOW THEY STILL DONT KNOW THIS SCHOOL EXISTS....cause now everytime people go... "what school are you in?" me: "scgs, Singapore Chinese Girls School at dunearn road near ACS(b) and SJI" then they'll get it. OMG....what happened to scgs status in people man! so sad )):

i'm damn proud of myself!!! i drew the raffles logo! hahaaahaahaah :DDD okay...it's like weird but still...((:

Sunday, August 26 // 11:27 AM
i think i'm really cool and i rock so hard, harder than un-softened socks.
swans rock

Monday, August 20 // 8:10 PM
today...everyone wanted to write a complain about a PARTICULAR ehem cheng ehem teacher. HAHA! :DDD lots of things to complain man...i shall type out the stuff people wrote.
-he really sux "says the s word"
-He ask people shut up when they ask him if he can return test paper
-He duh allow people go toilet, and sy "i don't have to give you a reason why".
-"You think I scared you ar?! i make you go se principal want?!"
-Since SE, SY cannot do, you guys confirm also won't pass
-flirts in class
-don't teach at all...talks about himself every lesson
-scolds people for smiling (ehem...ME! and bing!)
-Puts a url at the bottom of a video making us think it was a refernce site, in the end when we checked it..it's a PORN WEBSITE (this is just to like make things worse...duh we so knew badjojo.cm is a porn site from the name)
-"I wish i could book you all for not completing your work." (this is just abusing his power as a teacher!!!)
-"I'm going to book you for defiance if you don't stop smiling!" (IDIOT LA! we weren't even smiling at him!!!)
-"I think your marks too high already, i need to check and minus some." (wth! he obviusly doesn't want us to pass!!!)
-"I don't want to see your face, get out! get out!" (it's OUR class you know!
-"can minus some more marks? cause i don't want people to think that i'm unfair." (USING US TO SHOW PEOPLE THAT HE'S FAIR! WTH)

HAHA! damn funny...we all had post-its on our table, so that anytime he says something that is worth writing down..we wil have that proof. HAHA! okay so first lesson was ACTUALLY pe...but NOOOOOO stupid beh! dunno what's her prob la...must she be so freaking fierce to anyone who interrupts her lesson/ took sometime off her lesson!?!?! she was like "i don't care...GO BACK GO BACK! now is MY lesson!" we were all giving her the...@_@ BLOODY-WOMAN-GET-LOST-LA face, HAHAHA! okay nvm...lazy to blog already
HAHAHAHAHA okay that's all!

Sunday, August 19 // 9:15 PM
OKAY...first of all...i have to say this...I'M S PROUD OF XINWEI AND MYSELF CAUSE WE ACTUALLY MANAGED TO COMPLETE THE POSTER! but...we also have to thank JOY cause she did the geography project ALL ON HER OWN for us. anyways..even though the poster isn't all that great and the words are like crap...at least it's the thought that count right?! HAHAHA! :DDD yup yup..this is all i did today! OH AND TUITION IN MORNING...and the teacher was like ignoring me or something...cause maybe she knows that i might not even come for the next lesson or something, she didn't give me a single worksheet to do! so i sat there and wrote my english narrative essay. COOL RIGHT?! haha! 8B HAHHAA! and i still don't understan the intercept theorem and mid point theorem..HAH! but i get it like...<------------> [put fingers according to this] this lil. HAHAHA! okay not funny -.- i've been contradicting myself alot today...i don't know why...and then i start talking to myself and then asking myself to shut up...must be the fatigue of...uh...[i'm not studdying so can't be stress...] hmm..i don't know what actually...maybe i'm just going crazy! okay! SEE i'm talkin to myself again! HAHAHAHHA! okay I'M GONNA STOP...no...LALALA! okay. HAHA! END!

Friday, August 17 // 6:22 PM
Nice to everyone they meet. Can't make up their mind. Have own unique appeal. Creative, energetic, and very social. Hates to be alone. Peaceful, generous. Very loving and beautiful. Flirtatious[?!?!?!]. Give in too easily. Procrastinators. Very gullible.
Today is a very very very very BLEAH day. I HAVE A FLU [which is actually a really good thing though] i'm even sneezing for once. HAHA! :DDD anyways...it was horrible because, 1)CHINESE TEST first thing in the morning 2) i was so happy that i did my emath, all worksheets only to find out during emath that most of my answers were like mixed up 3)AMATH 4)recess time: 2 PRIMARY school girls stole our seat & ehem my tissue and wallet dropped on the wet floor ehem! HAHA! 5)GEOG was the last lesson 6) had guides...EW 7) suddenly rained in the morning and 2 freaking b****es were like BLOCKING the whole entire school's way into the amphi...so everyone were like drenched and that ehem b**** was only wet on the TUA NEH NEH! guess who!? BITCH!
it sudden;y rained during flag raising. and we could see the rain behind the uh "stage" at the road..so everyone was preparing to run...but the teachers didn't let us off UNTIL the rain came. some freaking b****es were being soooooooo IRRITATING and standing in the middle of the entrance to the amphi..so the whole school was like stuck outside it and got DRENCHED while that b**** was only wet at the BOOBS. blame her for having such a TUA NEH NEH! after i told eunice about her being only wet at the ehem...eunice laughed like crazy! and they were like cause it STICKS OUT so will get wet mah...HAHAHAAHHHAHAHAAHA!
so...during chinese: WAS OKAY...i found the test quite easy cause (i think) i understand the first passage BUT then...when we were done everyone said it was hard. maybe i read like the whole entire passage wrongly from the fatigue of my flu. i think the story was about some old man saying that the door is open and let yourself in to some guy that wanted to steal some stuff. in the end that guy turned over a new leaf after hearing the old man say that there is no one who is bad in this world. or something like that...RIGHT? RIGHT? RIGHT?! omg...
emath: ya...okay...i was SOOOOO happy that i did my work and soooooo happy that i could remember all 4 properties. ((: but then...i found out that my answers were like quite screwed..some we like jumbled up...some were labelled wrongly. ): SAD MAN!
ce: we talked bout NATIONHOOD again...S: and then had to like...erm...make up a new club for the school. so i was like " lets make a..." at the same time...mr teh was saying the word CONSTITUTION and at the time i said "a..." xinwei said i heard PROSITUTION. so in the end..the sentence became : LET'S MAKE A...PROSTITUTION club. hahaha! anyways...in the end we came up with some dance club
geog: HAHAHAHA SAME OLD SCOLDING! cause we didn't do our port louis map AGAIN. OH OH OH! he wanted to show us some picture of the black cobra that was found at the back garden and then...he opened the wrong file knowing that we weren't looking...but i was...so i saw some SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN SEEN PICS...ok it's not porn...as in not supposed to be seen by me [to him] get it? cause it was som pics of him in a classroom. then right...i was like *GASP! and he was like " what?! 0.o what did you see?!" then i was like uh...nothing nothing. i never see anything at all. AHAHA! SOMEBODY WAS FLIRTING IN CLASS AGAIN!!! EW! haha! :DDD
GUIDES: me and amanda were pratically ROLLING on the floor from laughter the WHOLE entire guides time/period/day...nvm. HA! ((:

Wednesday, August 15 // 3:20 PM
CHAR-MA-LAMA LAND where rainbows, bunnies and smiles exist IS OPEN EVERY LAMADAY FROM CHARMAam to LAMApm [brought to you by CHARMA & LAMA co.]

HOHOHO! one good news of the day...i passed yesterday's amath test! :DDD the second amath test that i've passed. HAHA! this is thanks to my very either STUPID or NOT-FUNCTIONING brain. okok...today...first lesson was...DOUBLE CHINESE (: no no no i mean D: when lao shi talks..it's like BLAH BLAH BLAH...CAUSE I CAN'T UNDESTAND CHINESE!! okay i can...but my chinese sucks + my hearing sucks = IN-UNDERSTANDABLE WORDS. HAH! i created a new word! HAHA! after chinese was PE. NO HIP HOP TODAY! YAY(x35874234523652786582 times)!!! :DDD we did choreograph (kawr-ee-uh-grahf) [i didn't know this was the way to spell it! haha! and for those who don't know either...you're not the only one. HAH!] the HIP HOP dance for aces (all children exercise simultaneously) <- most retarded acronym ever! HAHA! joy.k wants us [me eunice bing uh...cannot remember] to do the yo! yo! yo! thingy when we walk out and like wassup kinda stuff. HAHA! ohoh! today i found out that eunice is HORNY too! haha! making fun of __'s boobs! [i just typed boobs and books...] *boing boing* TUA NEH NEH/TUA NEH BU :D mmhmm...after pe was AMATH...everybody goes :"HUH...." we got our papers back...LALALA! iMADE SO MANY CARELESS MISTAKES! I LOST 4 MARKS! and another 4 cause i gave up to easily. sigh...but i'm quite pleased with my 18 marks. hah! [i know all the smart people who are reading this now must be like...18?! 0.o omg! who can live with those marks! wa lao! i rather jump down and die!] but...to a simple [& horny] girl like me...it's already pleasing. HARHAR!as if. okay nevermind. during recess...i was soooooo nice, and queued up with julia for mee pok. only the auntie is left...where did the other uncle go to? maybe back to his newton hawker stall. the uncle is likes sooo cute. he COUNTS the number of meat/rou inside one bowl. and he's really generous with noodles. [OMG why the hell am i talking about the uncle?!?] -.- after recess...GEOGRAPHY...once AGAIN, he was nagging throughout the WHOLE ENTIRE period. mhmm...he was sending people out again...so...me and peijung were like "[whispering] please send me out...please send me out!" but NOOOOOOOi had to stay and listen. sigh...OH! HE WAS LIKE "i'm going to write in to request whether you all can change your teacher to miss goh." us:"OMG! OKAY! :DDD" miss goh is like the nicest geog teacher ever after miss ku and mr teo. HAHA!mr teo is like VERY nice & TOO nice. haha! last lesson was...AMATH again! she took over miss lin's lesson. EEE WTH LUH! DDD: i don't get the angle triangle thing {i get the emath version though} ((: OKAY then i walked home...emo-ly-ish. HAHA! with emo face and dao look. HAHA! okay kidding...i was smiling all the way home like a demented woman. :DDD okay NO was a normal person and walked home expressionless :

Tuesday, August 14 // 10:32 PM
okay...today was really really really very very very HILARIOUS! not in school but at rachel's house. with her really GLAM style of falling and DRAMATIC way of choking. HAHA! :DDD okay school was cool....FINALLY amath test is over. it's was quite okay, but everytime i say that...I FAIL MISERABLY. S: first lesson...DOUBLE ENGLISH. i sooooooooo cannot stand that mrs neoh much longer. she's so FREAKINGLY irritating. doesn't she[and alot of other teachers] realise that we will usually pay full respect to those teacher whom we really like [miss toh & miss kam especially]. because we liked them that's why we always respect their decisions. the more you force it down us...the more we repel them. DUH...isn't it normal human/teenager reaction to be rebellious against those we do not like?! 0.o too bad neither of the teachers understand this method.
SO ANWAYS...back to today,after english was AMATH! dum dum dum [horror music plays] FAIL FAIL FAIL! SHIT SHIT SHIT! CRAP CRAP CRAP! D: haiz...i had to sit RIGHT in da front of the class thanks to miss beh! she pulled me all the way there! ahhh! so embarrassing! o'.'o gahh! but maybe thanks to jo,esther and jean's goodluck from outside the classroom may help me with like a wee little bit of 3 marks? and maybe if i'm lucky, miss beh will pity my marks and give me like 1 mark for writing my name. :DDD haha! okay maybe not...so, after that was bio. mr teh says my brain drawing is nice (: YAY! today we learnt about OSMOREGULATION by the kidney...which...btw...was necessary information for yesterday's test! -.- UH DUH I'M SO GONNA FAIL! like 328573061873568312651% fail! chicken nugget! so...right...recess was mmmm...SPAGHETTI!!! yes! :DDD LOVE LOVE LOVE! okay during lit...HAHAHHAHA!okay nvm...lit lesson is just always VERY funny. ever realise that when you're in a very quiet place [lit lang room, lectures,movies] and especially when you're with AMANDA...and your urge to laugh starts to grow...and grow..then just one HAH! and the teacher has like a o.o face. woah...SCCCA-RRRY. after that was EMATH! I LOVE ANGLE PROPERTIES OF A CIRCLE! IT'S FUNNNNN! really! there are only like 4-5 properties and then you get to use your brain[which i really lag of] but...it's still really fun. when you get it then you'll be like YAY :DDD HAHA!
after school went to borders with rachel. ate really really really horrible ice cream. cause again...due to my lag of a brain...i didn't know citrus meant a freaking ORANGE! GAHH!thinking it was like lemon sorbet {SOR-BEH}...so...i smartly ORDERED it...with resberry sorbet or something. the ice cream is...TASTELESS, AWFUL & purely DISGUSTING!!!HOW CAN ANYONE EVERY EAT IT. OMG! no wonder the thingies were SOOOOO full!!! cause one person just tries one flavour then they'll be like...okay NVM i don't want anymore ice cream! let's go! if only i was this smart. SIGH. D: so wasted $4. then brought rachel to where amanda brought us to eat KWAY TEOW...if that's how you spell it. it's nice..other than that, nothing much special about it. it was worth it though. had a really good talk with rachel, interesting stuff too! HAHA! kk...walked to the cab stand at heren. I SAVED RACHEL FROM A CATERPILLAR!!! HAHAHA! she was like "OMG OMG OMG!" then the pregnant woman next to her went "what? what?!" [rachel shouts:caterpillar!!] WHERE?! [woman looks around frantically]. HAHAH! then rachel was like " CHARMAINE CHARMAINE CHARMAINE CHARMAINE (x3576387435743859325628 times)!!! the whole cab stand knew my name luh! so anywyas...i FLICKED the caterpillar off and on to the ground. haaha! ok BACK AT HER HOUSE: OMG FUNNNNNNAE! rachel was laughing at what i was typing on msn to __...and she started LAUGHING like crazy with water in her mouth..then...she CHOCKED. hahahahahah! okay it's not suppose to be funny but...cause rachel did her really GLAM fall on the floor then DRAMATIC cough and crawl on the floor.HAHA! :DDD yeap and that's about my day! whee!
thank you rachel!!! haha! loves loves! i'm still quite afraid of your mum though...scared that she'll scold you cause of me. S: eek.

Monday, August 13 // 8:52 PM

You're standing at the door
I'm falling to the floor
You look even better than you did before
I'm staring at my feet
Wondering if I can do this
It's been a while but I couldn't forget you

Just a little look has got me feeling things
Just a little taste has got me seeing things
Just a little touch has got me off the chains
Doing things that I don't want to

Do it like you do it to me (I'm burning up)
Do it like you do it to me (it's not enough)
Do it like you do it to me just open up
Don't you know how much I want you

We're sitting real close and I can feel your breath
I wanna touch your hand but I lay back
Cuz you know this thing could sprial in the night
I've changed my mind I'm ready for you this time

We're sitting real close I can feel your breath
I wanna touch your hand but I lay back
We're sitting real close I can feel your breath

I've been looking for a driver who is qualified
So if you think that you´re the one, step into my ride.
I´m a fine-tuned supersonic speed machine
Got a sunroof top and a gangster lead

So if you feel it let me know, know, know.
Come on now what you´re waiting for, for, for.
My engine's ready to explode, explode, explode.
So start me up and watch me go, go, go

Get you where you wanna go, if you know what I mean.
Got a ride that´s smoother than a limousine.
Can you handle the curves, can you run all the lights?
If you can baby boy, than we can go all night.
Cause it´s zero to sixty in three point five
Baby you got the keys.
Now shut up and drive, drive, drive.
Shut up and drive

I got class like a fifty-seven Cadillac.
Start over drive with a whole lot of boom in the back.
You look like you can handle what´s under my hood.
You keeping saying that you will, boy I wish you would.

So when you're ready let me know, know, know.
Come on and what you´re waiting for, for, for.
My engine's ready to explode, explode, explode.
So start me up and watch me go, go, go

Get you where you wanna go, if you know what I mean.
Got a ride that´s smoother than a limousine.
Can you handle the curves can you run all the lights?
If you can baby boy, than we can go all night.
Cause it´s zero to sixty in three point five.
Baby you got the keys.
Now shut up and drive, drive, drive.
Shut up and drive

You play that game, got what I got
Get it get it, don't stop, It's a sure shot
Ain't a Ferrari, huh boy, I'm sorry
I ain't need to worry, so step inside
And ride, ride, ride, drive, drive, drive ....

So if you feel it let me know, know, know.
Come on and what you´re waiting for, for, for.
My engine's ready to explode, explode, explode.
So start me up and watch me go, go, go

Get you where you wanna go, if you know what I mean.
Got a ride that´s smoother than a limousine.
Can you handle the curves can you run all the lights?
If you can baby boy, than we can go all night.
Cause it´s zero to sixty in three point five.
Baby you got the keys.
Now shut up and drive, drive, drive.
Shut up and drive

// 7:33 PM
CHINESE WAS FREAKING FUNNY TODAY. anyways...first lesson was...pe...hip hop AGAIN! yuckkk(x 315872658713652) so not FUN luh! then that stupid MR LEE! gahh! you know what he said the last lesson!!! he was like "you all asked mrs d. to let you all do hip hop right? so why aren't you all doing it properly?!" OMG LA!! WHO THE HELL WANTED TO DO HIP HOP! i bet he wanted to do it!! so obvious...@_@ kk..then we had uhhh ohoh! GEOG LECTURE! okay it was just per normal...same-o-same-o...went through test papers THAT I FAILED MISERABLY!!! D: okay i got like 18...-.- SHUCKS manzxz! anyhoos...joy and xinwei were making cross word puzzles during lecture... -.- wth...HAHAHA! but i must say...it's FUN! :DDD kk...then then then...we had LITERATURE! YIPEE! we get to see miss WHOO <- refers to THIGHS ((: HAH! I COPIED NOTES OKAY! then i didn't write julia's letter on my new elmo letter pad! HAWHAW [thanks to sam for it!!! ): awww. so right..we rushed off for assembly but NOOOOO it had to be amath. chicken neh neh! DDD: i'm SOOOO gonna fail for amath tomorrow! BINOMAIL THEOREM and MODULE[or something like that] SEE I DON'T EVEN KNOW THE NAME ON WHAT WE'RE TESTED FOR!! OBVIOUS ANSWER FOR TOMORROW'S TEST. gahh! S: right...after recess was BIO TEST...OH MY NEH! confirm...FAILLLLL!!! )x SIGH...tsk...i'm just stooooopid! :B okok! then it was english...OMG! mrs neoh is gonna be our permenant english teacher for 2007 and 2008!!! 0.o what can be worse...i miss miss toh really badly man...at least i could understand and it was interesting. i know what you people reading must be thinking...ENGLISH VERY HARD TO UNDERSTAND MEH!? yes it is...if you're like HALF DEAD and a boring teacher talks...I CANNOT CONCENTRATE! and therefore...I CANNOT UNDERSTAND! last lesson...CHINESE!!! HAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :DDD there was a post-it [mine] stuck to lao shi's shoe...so we started laughing like CRAZYYY!! hahahahah and then lao shi was like..."ni men zai xiao shen me?! yao bu yao gen quan ban jiang ma? yao bu yao jian yi ge xiao hua gei quan ban shuo ma?" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! we didn't want to EMBARRASS her...so...we sat there and shoke our heads. AHAHAHAHAHA she took like...uh....326571327286528716587126712758132 minutes to realise it. HAHA! okay that's all (((:

julia says:
i upload no
julia says:
-CHARMAINE ♥i'm acting like a lovesick fool says:
julia says:
julia says:
this concludes that...JULIA CANNOT SPELL! hahaha! :DDD

national day (:



Sunday, August 12 // 11:07 PM
haha i knda forgot to post this pic :DD oops...anyways...WILL MISS YOU SEC 4S [even though i don't really know any of you...S:] HAHA! sorry luh...i'm just not close to anyone at all in guides.the only friend i made there is amanda. HAHA! sad huh? :DDD NOT!

ME . JO . JEAN . E-HUI [guides sec 4 farewell]

IMPACTO(remix)-fergie feat daddy yankee

THE WAY I ARE-timberland


// 8:03 PM

Saturday, August 11 // 11:33 PM
let me tell you something...i had the BESTEST BEST BEST national day holiday EVER!!!

cause i got to spend my friday + satrday with my prettae JIE JIE! yes everyone...i have a secret sister! :DDD

met sam at orchard mrt at 1...but before that went to paragon with my momma! brought her to muji...she says...MU [mother] JI [chicken]. anyways...she was SOOOOO amazed with...the baskets. HAHA! anywhoos! i bought my black & pink marker + my cute lil PEN! yay! total: $9.10 kk...then met sam. so...WALKED BACK TO PARAGON cause sam HOR...wanted toriQ. ahem! [sam i know you're reading this! KAEPO!! :DDD hehe!] then...in then end..i bought old chang kee then went to drink ICED CARAEL MACCHIATO! HAHA! YUCK! it tastes so...bitter and coffee-ey. brr! sam bought...2 lollipops,

peach thingy [which i can smell from very VERY far away] and UGLY [it is] chicken pie(: total:$5+ =$6 after we finished...we went to...BORDERS! yeah babeh! sam bought a new pencil box AKA lunch box! SAM!!! I WANT IT NOW! if i knew it could fit my pens i would have gotten it! RAGHHHH! so..i got for my momma the bewitched cd and i bought 2 stickerrrss! total:$25.95 + $3(x2) = $31.95 i still want the book THE BOY BOOK! it's soooo funny! first page is about BOOBS! ahhhh! :O
"1) if it jiggles, wear a bra. blah blah blah...wear a bra if you don't want it to be floppy."
HAHAHHAHA! :DDD and now another book i want is THE UPPER CLASS. all chick flick kinda books. HAHA!ANYWAYS...we were looking at cds (: sam arh sam...until now then you know about the song way back into love. tsk tsk...old already arh?! HAHAHAHAH! okay joking! after that....we went to SHAW/isetan. THANK YOU SAMMY FOR BUYING ME THE ELMO LETTERPAD! ii luBb LuBb eUUU EVeNN moRe nowS nEHxX! shit la! i can't do lian. so..we bought g2 pens and stare at the nice pretty pretty pens with al the nice colours! gahh!! i want the whole set of the new g2 pen colours!RAH!! /: KK...after walking around in topshop for a very short while...went home! momma brought us to cold storage, bought alot alot alot of stuff : mushroom yellow noodles apple juice [that comes in packs of 10] minced pork luncheon meat fish fingers
WENT TO SAM'S HOUSE.okay...we cooked...REALLY! sam cut the garlic and shallots]smelly hands!] and i marinated the pork...RAGHH! FUN-NESS! then cube the luncheon meat...SALTY BABEH!then...we fried it! all together. it's soooooooooooooo NICE!
kk...DINNER was soooooo nice! especially + 7 o'clock show. but we pratically finished the thing before the show started. haha! but there was like...a lil bit left...then we sat there...with a little bit of drool coming out...haha! the rest of the night...we were just slacking and watching hanakimi. THEN, i fell asleep and sam was laughing at me like anything cause...i was at the edge of the bed then i almost rolled of so i suddenly sat up. :DDD it's not funny lor! i just looked really really stupid. S:

woke up....at...i dunno what time. but i woke up for LUNCH :DDD haha! the usual VERY VERY VERY HARD to wake up sam...was still zzzz-ing! tsk tsk tsk. but we only woke up cause of the phone. (x ate...char siew and the crispy 3 layered pork thing with rice (: YUMMMAE! after that...started making our NEW creation. POTATO + MINCED PORK + CHEESE + OATMEALFLAKES BALL! WHOOOO! only the oatmeals one were okay! HAHA! the rest without it...FAILED! but it was NICE with salad dressing. caeser! [spelling?!] anyways...it was FUN FUN FUN making those balls! haha! and then stuffing cheese one the inside. HAHA! :DDD so...got bored and started watching hanakimi again. then...went to the park ((: YAY! we started flying sam's kite! YAY! which is really really really FUN! ahhh! but everyone starts staring at you cause we look like 3 stoopid people running around the big field! HAHA! and then...cause of my stoopid idea...i rode on the bike while holing the string! then made it crash into the tree 0'_'o OOPS! okay...after running round and round...sam sent me to seletar. SAM IS COOL CAUSE SHE CAN DRIVE and PARK THE CAR! WHOOOO! LOVE YOU SAM! MUACKIES! sam thinks i'm a looser cause i get bullied by stooid tairong! DD: aww man! nvm...my screaming kills! WHOO HOO! so...i EMBARRASSED MYSELF in tennis! ARGH! S: so irrtating! i know everyone must have been like SHUTUP CHARMAINE! cause i just kept on screaming...especially coach sam. @_@ dinnering was DISGOOSTINGLY & HORNY! :DDD HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!


[will post pics tomorrow...too tired d:]

Monday, August 6 // 4:01 PM

(like who doesn't!)

UNglam much!



// 3:24 PM
1) i got my poppy stickerrrrzzz
3)took pictures in class...CRAZY PICTURES when we were all high!
4)i drew a ZIBING-IS-A-ROCK-BUN[NY] picture+bra & Gstring+green tea+cabree chips stickerrzz!

3)make them hit their teeth against their teeth {my tooth almost came off i tell you!}
4)chase and scare them [me] with her big GIANTness {HAHAHAHAH :D}
5)snatch people's things and makes teachers such as cheng go, "charmaine! you two stop it!" {there isn't zibing's name you see! SEE!}

so anyways...about today:
first lesson was...PE! we did hip hop [AGAIN]. self XXX man! D-I-S-G-U-S-T-I-N-G!but...today me and xinwei were actually DOING IT...okay OMG sounds totally gross..."DOING IT". hahahahahahahha :DDD we were so so so high while walking to the hall...me and amanda to be exact. HAHA! cause the rest hasn't eaten the cornflakes thing yet.haha! (: we were like jumping ALL the way to the hall...and flying down the stairs...flapping everywhere and slamming into walls and tripping over people and then going "HEHE" OMG damn funny!!!
okay...after pe was...CHINESE! but we were eating and eating...so that's when...JOY MONGYI XINWEI AMANDA ME PEIJUNG{she was laughing to herself throughout the whole lesson} and then after that was geog! zibing ate it after chinese...and she went DAMN CRAZY OKAY! wah..damn scary. slap me some more! but it was so so so so funy today. then...mr cheng was like trying to SHUT US UP cause zibing kept on slapping my thighs and pinching my hands! anyways...even though the thingies were like burnt on the top...I BET THOSE WHO ATE IT LOVES IT OKAY! [i bet xinwei is reading my blog!!! xinwei! i know you love my cornflakes!!! HAHHAHA!] anywhoos...after geog was...assembly...FREE PERIOD...so joolia came to our class. we were exchanging stickerrrzz! my calculator has a chicken sticker, a dinosaur sticker, a poppy chicken thingy, poppy lingerine, and a cabree prawn cracker sticker!!! FALALA! took many many many pics cause julia wants a picture with poofy friend aka...MY HAIR! haha!!! i know it's cool okay jooooolia! ok ok recess...i ate the grape lava ice cream {THINKING it was nice...it's YUCK! it's like grape jam squashed beween two ice popsicles! YUCKKKK!!! /: so i ate noodles...YEAH! walked up to lit lecture with a big big big belly. :DDD it was damn freaking hot in the classroom..urgh! OH OH! i was talking to amanda about something then....
conversation: me: eh amanda,i was about to write 'read this you bloody bitch!'
amanda:hahaha -.-
rachel: [turns her head] DID SOMEONE CALL ME?!

ok after lit was....uh...uh....PE AGAIN! hahaha! had double pe lesson. ((: soooo...we were jumping and flying and flinging all over again! then we flapped our hands and said " wait for meeee maggie!!!" HAHAHAH! :DDD then me and whit did the CHICKEN LITTLE DANCE + me "singing" the song HAPPY ENDING!!! "this is the way you left me, i'm not pretending. No hope, no love, no glory; no happy ending! this is the way that we love, like it's forever. then now we live our life, but not together!..." whit likes to touch people's boobs {even if it's on posters} and likes grabbing people's butt too! hahahaahahahahha! so the chicken little dance became the boob-grab dance. :DDD ahhhh! played captain's ball...NO!! NO NO! IT WAS BASKETBALL! so...duh...we were just standing there like some gong-gong people watching ZIBING SHUWEN JOY ALY TIFF MONGYI play. oh oh! joy.w can play bball so well man! dance while she plays...pro man! hahhaha! spin one whole round some more! HAHAHA! :DDD after pe was english! urgh! that bitch! EEEEEEEEEE! "can you give me some respect..." & "pipe down everyone..." WHEN NO ONE IS TALKING!!! 0.o and when we don't talk...she scolds us! like wth! anyways...that's all!!!


Thursday, August 2 // 8:43 PM




Xin Wei<33
Hannah Lui(:
Hui Mei(:
Laura-evil twin 2(:
Mong Yi(:
Pei Wei(:
Pei Wen(:
Rachel Lee(:
Sarah Chia(:
Sarah K.(:
Xiao Min(:

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