

&Time after time
school reopens
adria's birthday-24/1
jean's birthday-11/2
chinese new year 18-20/2
esther's birthday-28/2
march holidays
rachel's birthday-2/5
POTC with xinwei-28/5
bowling at seletar-31/5
cassandra's birthday-3/6
whit's birthday-21/6
amanda's birthday-7/7
tairong's birthday-14/7
peijung's birthday-14/7
xinwei's birthday-21/7
national day-9/8
walter's birthday-23/8
jocelyn's birthday-15/9
amanda's birthday-19/9
julia's birthday-24/9
bryan's birthday-7/10
jolyn's birthday-15/12
claire's birthday-21/12
Tuesday, October 31 // 5:48 PM
went to meet JOCELYN at school to pass her a letter and then she passed me my pe shirt...(boring right) but then decided to go to orchard for lunch...and a MOVIE!!! haha!so we went to far east 7-11 and she bought a ice lemon tea and then went to lido...no movies to watch): but then she said that the prestige is nice...at first i was like no no no it's a shooting show is it??? so scary i don't want...and then she said MAGIC so i was like yeah!!! so bought tickets...movie was at 1:30 and it was only 12:30...so went to shop first...bought popcorn chikennn!!! i bought nothing(no $$$) and jocelyn bought this sanrio chop thing for her sis and we were looking at toys(?!?!) hehe! and then ahhhhh! i saw the spongebob monopoly again!!! it's so so so cute!!! but it's like 80 bucks!!! (fine...it's actually $79.90) but it's still expensive!!! so shop shop shop(window shopping) and then went to the cinema to watch the prestige! YEAH! at first the show is like super confusing and hard to understand...but at the end like when he say the reasons and like all the stuff then you'll get it. haha! and oh! if you're gonna, bring a jacket! or earplugs...the sound effects are super super super scary...or maybe cause i'm a scardy cat?!?! haha! and i was pratically covering my ears through out the WHOLE ENTIRE show. hahahahaha! so after that went to borders...and saw all the books that i want!!! (the wish list for books) :D but didn't have money again... D: hahahahaha! so after that went home with jocelyn and now slacking/stoning/watching tv/blogging ((((:

Monday, October 30 // 11:56 PM
ahhhh! i'm missing 2pr already!

drawn on 2pr's very own white board
(by ME)

the teletubbies!!!

cassie-po rachel-lala me-dipsy laura-tinkey winkey

WOOO HOOOO! (: i have a book craze
// 10:41 PM
I'VE FINISH READING "THE BOYFRIEND LIST"!!! OMG OMG OMG!!! THE STORY IS SO SO SO NICE THAT I FINISHED READING IT IN 3 DAYS!!! and so only left the LOST GODDESS to read...but...i bought a new book!!! hahahahaha!! dunno why i feel like reading these few days (: so the new book is "what if every guy wanted you" the book is not about guys...it's about...this girl...and people are trying to make her popular...(i think) haven't read it yet(: oh yah!!! then when i was at borders...saw another book written by the same writer as "the boyfriend list" and so...wanted to get that...but the book was called "the boy book" hahahahah! so i was like ok...o_o...(not the worse part) and then so i flipped it open...and like the first thing was about BOOBS!?!?!?!?!??! so wth lah! so didn't get that...obviously. AND THERE WERE SO MANY BOOKS THAT I WANTED!!! like "32c that's me" and "the nannies" uh...and lots and lots more...but they were all like $13+ $15+ $17+ $25+!!! haha! so could only get one...haha! but that's life enough...i use to read one book a year...yup...it could last me that long...some are not even read yet. HAha! ( like all the THICK harry potter books!) hahahahahahahahahahahahaahhaahahha!ok...yah and that's all...haha!

// 2:19 PM

AHHHHH! IT'S THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOOOLLLLL! AND THE LAST TIME WE WILL BE SEEING 2PR PEOPLE! (ok maybe not) AND THE LAST DAY MISS HENG WILL BE SCGS's PRINCIPAL!!! OMG! SO SADDD! WHY IS SO MANY PEOPLE LEAVING???(ok only SOME people...but they are all the important people) WELL...MRS PHUA(vice-principal) AND MISS HENG(principal) HAVE BOTH LEFT SC!!! FOREVER!!! AND THEY HAVE BEEN HERE FOR SO SO SO LONG!!! miss heng was here for 38 years??? mrs phua i dunno but i liked her. haha! but last year so many teachers left!!! almost all the teachers who left were form our class...1pr'05! hahahaha! mrs yeo(english) and miss lim(maths) and miss lim(chinese) and miss chiam(scince) and mrs tan(currently miss chong)(literature) and mrs mao(1/4 teachers who taught us geog..we had 4 teachers teaching us geog...first was miss goh then change to mr teo then mrs mao then miss ku) hahahahaha! and mrs mao and ms ku was the better teachers...but this year like not many teachers left...even though i want SOME teachers to leave...haha...i'm a meanie! >:) but anyways...hmmm...what happened today??? oh! we had assembly...(after putting our bags in class) and then after that was prize giving (oh btw...every other secondary school did not have school today...only sc) after prize giving went back to class...mrs bowness...(again) niam niam niammm...but she gave us presents!!! hhahahaha! just a small lil pouch thing with a heart and a diamond and a note...haha! (: so after that when it was already like 10+?! we had to go to the courtyard squeezing with the primary school girls and then in the hot sun listening to people (a old guy...miss heng...pri school head prefect...and...sec school head prefect) the talk was kinda cute...when they put down the banner...the sec school one said...we...<3...you...alot....hahahahaha...and the primary school one said...we...<3...you...2! (every word was on one card...) ok...by now we were all badly burnt already...it was really really hot. after that was the end of school! wooo hoooo! but then...i still had to stay back to watch the concert for miss heng...and it was quite ok...and then everybody who watched the concert (not everybody in school got to go..only 7 people from each class...i was replacing marie) so went to the driveway and the school bought miss heng a car(!!)...and it was a mini...convertable some more! so somebody drove her through the whole driveway and we were all standing in one line from the entrance to the exit of the school...and we were all waving the tiny school flag...and the car (costed $100 000) had 2 sc bears in the front and a sign at the back saying just retired (like just married) and the card also said...off to the bahamas...(not literally) and they hung a string of cans at the end of the car??? and they really drove her all the way home with that thingy hanging at the back...so cute! hahahaha! and the mini was not exactly a mini...haha! and then after that went to rachel's house (she ws waiting for me since 11-1+) and so went there...she made me lunch...not forced by me...and i ate while she drank milo(ok you must be thinking that i'm so mean to eat while she only drank milo...but she laready ate mee pok while poor me...did not eat for the whole entire day...seriously...i forgot to eat...hehe!) so after that...oh yah! omg lah! cause we sleep on her living room floor in front of the tv...so i fell asleep there while reading book! and so embarrassing lah! o'.'o i was sleeping there while she had piano lessons!!! so i slept there for quite a long time...and when i woke up...rachel was watching tv...so yah...and then oh! our dinner...we ate spaghetti!!! we cooked it by ourselves!!! it was quite yucky cause of me(again) put too much salt this time...hehe! (: but what the hack...we just ate it. So then bathed (was super sticky even though we were in the aircon room the WHOLE ENTIRE day)...and then watched 9o'clock show!!! (I SERIOUSLY IN LOVE WITH IT!!!) and then i think i was reading while rachel was studying her theory exam...-_-" but she decided to sleep...and watch tv...(?!?!) and i was still reading...so she watched her chinese show while i was watching and reading...by the time the show ended it was already...11??? and guess who's the smarty pants who decided to call??? bryan tan! so i left my phone on speaker (we were not even talking to THEM...noticed the THEM??? yah he was conferencing with 5 people that we don't even know...and me and rachel laughed like crazy lah! cause they playing some weird songs...and then realise that only 2 people were talking...not us...and not the other 3 people...only bryan and one of his friends...so we decided to just hang up! hahahahahah! and watched american pie 4..(dirty show) so rachel fell asleep...and i was watching and squinting(didn't bring my specs...and took off contacts already). and decided to go and sleep too! sp went and TRY to sleep...rachel was snoring so i couldn't sleep...and i kept thinking about the vision i had...haha! (rachel...you know i know you know what we're talking about right???) and so...i slept...haha!

woke up at 7:07am...haha! weird that i can remember the time...so woke up i dunno why...and i couldn't find my handphone...so decided to call...some more it was on silent...and then so called...(vibration...vibration...vibration...) and suddenly rachel woke up and hahahahah! the phone was underneath her...and i was like...how you sleep until the phone go underneath you arh??? (in my head lah...didn't ask her) so went back to sleep and rachel woke up at 8:40 by my alarm...i didn't wake up though...strange. so she woke up...dunno what she did...i was still sleeping...when i woke up it was 10+...and i decided to pack up my stuff and clean up and then read my book(again) and suddenly rachel came home at 11+??? gave me a shock...i thought it was her mum...so then...it was her...and she laid down on the mattress below me and started smiling to herself...so...(i guessed it) i said..."so how? did you see your V****R?? and then she was like heheheheheehehehehehehe! with her smile...haha! and hai yo...she said...they were fated to be together...(at this point i was gagging) hahahahha! so we went for tuition...missed the bus so we waited and waited...we got a aircon 186!!! ahhhh! and we got to tuition late...actually we could have been earlier...but we went to mad jack...bought fries...and then we didn't know which class was lao shi in...so...SMART rachel went knocking on the door...and said...ooops wrong class! and then the other door(our usual class) and again...oops wrong class and so we went to the other side and we found lao shi...the rest of the tuition time was bleah...only satyed for 1hour...haha! and then later we went to my house! rachel slept while i read(it rhymes!) and then at 3++ left for seletar! yeah! we ate first...and wanted to play tennis...but then i realised that at 5 there is a tennis class...(the small lil people's class) and so couldn't play...and we watched there for like 1 hour!!! and it was still 6:30...and guess who came and knocked my head...stooooopid ting shan! haha! so yeah...we sat there...and waited and waited...haha! finally coach asked us to go down! but poor rachel DID NOT WANT TO PLAY...SO SHE BORE HERSELF...haha! and sat there looking for the 5 topless man in the mag...haha! and half way she went to the pool cafe to watch her 7o'clock show. Haha! SORRY RACHEL! COULDN'T ENTERTAIN YOU!!! ): and so...training was tough tough tough!!! all the balls were either fast or high!!! and we were all D-Y-I-N-G!!! then went to watch i not stupid with rachel after tennis...and then went home!!! (went to eat dinner with rachel first...then sent her home and then went home) and that's my saturday! haha!

(shall post in point form)
-had tuition(boring)
-rachel RAN to my house
-watched dodgeball
-ate dinner
-watched 7o'clock show with rachel
-watched part of robots
-sent rachel home
-continued watching robots
-replied jocelyn's letter
-while watching i, robot
-still replying jocelyn...
-replied until 2am
-went to sleep

Thursday, October 26 // 5:07 PM
haha! i never knew shopping could be so much fun...and like this time i really bought stuff...usually when i go out...only look and follow people...but this time...i really bought stuff! haha! and bought 2 new books! "the lost goddes" and "the boyfriend list" haha! ok shall blog about what happened today!
first...left house at 12:45 thinking that i was late...cause suppose to meet amanda at 1:15...and then...just when i left house...suddenly received a sms from amanda saying that she just got on to the bus to the mrt station...so i was like OMG...then i'm so early...haha! but then i ended up having to wait for the bus for like 10 min...so not that early anymore...and then the bus took so long to reach there...haiz...but saw something damn funny! haha...there was this guy who had a banana in the side pocket of his bag pack...and when i looked down and saw his feet...one toe nail was painted blua and red stripes...hahahhhaahahha! then i was like giggling to myself already...haha! so anyways...the bus ride was stooopid...and then cause amanda was still in the mrt...waited in centerpoint...like for really really long and i was having a back ache...and then suddenly there was this really hard and cold thing that hit my neck...and yah...you guessed it...was amada...haha! putting the bubble tea on me...hahah! so pain lah! (: so after that went to look for the food court at starhub centre...and it was UNDER CONSTRUCTION!!! omg! then we had NO FOOD to eat...so was kinda staving...but had bubble tea! so went to buy BRAs!!! hahahhaha!and there is some festive thingy that if you buy one...you can get one free...haha! so i bought 2 and so got 2 free! hahah! and one is like only $19.95!!! so total $39.90 FOR 4!!!and that's really CHEAP! and some more it's nice one! hahahaha! yeah! smart to go there to buy! haha! so...then after that...we were like starving so went to find food...and believe or not...we walked from centerpoint ALL the way to tangs!!! just to eat some oyster mee sua...but then i don't like oysters...so ate this really big crispy chinken thing...ai ya...it's from taiwan lah...so abit different from normal chicken...haha! nvm...i also dunno what i'm talking about! haha! after that told amanda that i wanted to go to borders to buy books...and so she said she wanted the paris hilton book..and i told her that i would buy it for her as a birthday present if she can find it...haha! so she was like paris!!! paris!!! miss hilton! uuuhoooo miss hilton! hahahah! like in her dreams! hahah! and in the end she also cannot find! so i bought me books lor! after that went to isetan..didn't do much there...was just looking at the stationaries...and like nike addidas and new balance having clearance sales i think...one shoe is like 40+-100+ but like it's those kind you have to dig and dig for one...so didn't bother to find...not as if i'm gonna buy any...haiz...so then went to macs...ate McChicken meal...haha! gave the fries to amanda...since she wanted it! hahahahhahaa! and then went home home home...amanda followed thinking she can take a bus there to go home...and then realising that are no buses that even go to her house...so she took 700 with me...and then stopped at my house then i crossed the bridge with her and this is the FIRST time i even saw amanda running for a bus...hahhahaha! and she called me whitley by accident..haha! :D and that's all i did today! hahahahhahahahahahahaha! (: so happy now!

Wednesday, October 25 // 10:31 PM
OMG...MY COM IS SO SLOW THESE FEW DAYS...): making me pissed actually...ok...hmmm...yesterday...what did i do!?

yesterday (24/10/06)
oh! i woke up alot alot alot of times yesterday...haha! first was the 8+ one then 10:30 and then like in betweens and then the final awakening...was at 12:30...haha...why we woke up so late? cause when i woke up...saw rachel still sleeping so went back...then so she woke up after me...saw me sleeping...went back t sleep...and this like dragged for like until 12:30!!! haha :D so we watched a show...dunno what's it called...just know that we were glued to the tv from like 2+ to 4+ just watching that show...but then it was kinda weird cause it was an action movie...like since when girls like ACTION movies!?! haha! surprisingly we do...haha! anyways...then after that rachel had piano lessons...so had to "hide" in the room...haha! and was reading that book called...HAZING MERI SUGARMAN...was DAMN nice! hahahaha!and i read only for like 1 hour then her lesson end liao...so sad...haha! wanted to continue reading...but so...we went out...to great world city to do grocery shopping...so that rachel can survive in her house without her family until like NEXT WEEK!!! so cool lah! her mother like suddenly left for canada om monday...went there that day to stay over...fun fun fun! so back to yesterday...oh! we met whit and julia and their parents at cold storage! haha! so cool! and but it was kinda awkward...haha! (urgh! com hanging again!!!) so anyways...so after shopping went to royal sporting house...omg! i'm starting to L-O-V-E sport stuff!!! and there's this ONE tennis racket that i want...it's super nice! and it's all white! BUT...IT COST $400+!!! (not bhat)(SING DOLLARS!) and IF i EVER get it...i'll change the string to baby pink! hahaha! so cute lah! (: anyways (again)...after that i know we shopped quite alot...and i got cut by the egg plastic cover!!! and it's FREAKING PAIN! S: so pain that i couldn't walk for awhile...and then it was ok again...haha! i'm a clutz...i know...every time i run to the toilet at home i get a cut from my guinea pigs cage...haha! and sometimes even slip too! have so many SCARS to prove it some more! hahahaha! clutzy me! (: after shopping at great world was already around 7:19?! and i wanted to watch daddy day care!!! so cute!!! and can you believe it? i never watched that show before!!! haiz...but i WANTED to watch it when it came out...the boy is so so so cute!!! and then we were walking damn fast...well some sort of...and then guess what! RACHEL GOT CUT TOO! hahaha! and so we were both like oww owww owww while walking! hhaha! and i managed to watch daddy day care! yeah! haha! but missed 30mins of it...but what the hack!after daddy day care was PHUA CHU KANG!!! OMG! i cannot believe that it's already the tenth season!!! means that i was watching it since i was 4?? cause i remebered that i use to love it like crazy!!! (: but now not so much...haha! but still HEARTS it! hahaha! and then we watched the channel 8, 9 o'clock show!!! it's super super super nice...and it's a really really complicated LOVE TRIANGLE...and it's surprising lah! but it's still so lovey and sweet! haha! <3
todae(x -got back report books so todae rachel didn't come to school...and the reason is damn funny but can't tell without rachel's permission...she'll explode if i do tell...haha! today we had enrichment AGAIN!!! but it was kinda fun fun fun! some more it was math math math!!! (sorry...using repetition as emphasis for my words..ha ha ha) well...it was SOMETHING like math...but not so bad...haha! and i didn't fall asleep..like i thought i would...and it was something like graphics designing...and the job survey thingy we took last time in school said i'm suppose to do this kind of things...and i didn't know it can be so fun?! hahaha! and i kinda like it too! hahaha! but this type of things also cannot earn much money...some more i wanna live in my dream house...with rachel...haha! we kinda planned our future lah...but i think it can't possibly come true..and it'll be my fault! haha! or maybe we'll not even be together anymore lah...haha! NOT LES! hahha! so anyways...back to today...it was OK lah...and we finished the enrichment at around 1:15 and then we suppose to get our report books back at around 1:30(as promised) but NO....SHE had to drag and drag and DRAG...my gosh lah...waited SO long just to get back one book...DAMN BORING...had nothing to do at all lah...some more like SO MANY PEOPLE didn't come...there was only whit(came at 5:30) rachel adria julia me and yah lucas...and lao shi...so nothing to do so talk lor...and the only thing i can remember talking about was about KUKUMALU bouncing as in literally bouncing down the stairs...haha and leaving butt cracks in the stairs...haha! and like making it into as if it was a disaster and i dunno why...but we were talking about HER needing cuntom made underwear...hahahhahahahahhahaa! and then actually planned to go rachel house to stay over night but then she don't want in the end...so nevermind lor...went home myself..no wait...my mum came to fetch me...and julia and rachel were about to ps me!!! cause actually i was suppose to go home on my own but then they were walking home...some more never ask whether i wanted to...some more today i don't mind lah! ):<>
tomorrow(26/10/06)-BRA SHOPPING DAY (again)
yeah! tomorrow gonna go with amanda to centrepoint...haha! :D BUT this time i'm the one buying and not the one waiting...(: hahahahha! yay! so amanda's coming to my house at 12 we going out around 2 and coming at around dunno what time! yippeee! i think it's gonna be so fun!!! hahahahahahaha! (:

Tuesday, October 24 // 12:56 PM
HELLLOOOOOO!!! at rachel's house now...slept over! haha! ok...i shall blog about yesterday!

MONDAY (23/10/06) and part of today...
we had our talentime like the final one! but we didn't win): but...we had lots and lots of fun together on the stage fooling around..and kinda screwed up too! haha!

our final class photo together
so after school went to centerpoint with cassie and rachel...we went BRA SHOPPING again!! yeah! but me and rachel didn't get any!!! haha! only cassie...and i felt like an auntie! had to choose bras for cassie and reach for them too! hahahahahha! and they abandoned me when they went to the dressing room!!! ): had to sit outside staring and myself in the mirror!!! and see my FAT legs!!! hahahaha! anyways...after that...hmmm...oh! were still walking around robinsons...and they were looking at NINE WEST SHOES!!! and the only person i know who wears those kind of shoes is my mum...and cause it's like SO ex!!! but then also didn't get anything...haiz...BUT I HAD NO MONEY AT ALL!!! forgot to take...so was starving...but luckily ate muffin from 2gr's performence!!! after that went to marks and spencer...cassie and rachel bought CHIPS...and me...NOTHING! and after that we went to coffee bean to let me sit down down...but in the end we didn't...(rachel says...this sounmds as if they don't let me sit down...but is I don't want to sit one...) ANYWAYS!!! we went to bodynits...rachel saw a super short and PINK tennis dress but then when she put it on...it was slit downwards in the front...so went back to see more clothes...and then we found one v-neck dress...and it was too big...so had to get another dress...so the guy gave her ANOTHER dress...but when she put it on...it was a slit down one again...so got ANOTHER dress...and when she put it on...it was the v-neck one...haha! so when she took it off already...and got confused which one is the one she wanted so me and cassie (who were in the dressing room with her...and i was eating rachel's chips cause was hungry already...but i'm suppose to be on a diet!!!) so we were comparing which dress was the right one...and then we realised that..BOTH WAS THE SAME DRESS AND THE SAME SIZE!!! and cause rachel wore it the wrong way...it became a slid down one...omg lah! had a REALLY big laugh there...haha! so then went to coffee bean to FINALLY sit down...was only drinking water while rachel drank orange spritz and cassie drank hot vanilla!!! and i ate rachel's ice! yeah! DO YOU KNOW THAT COFFEE BEANS ICE IS REALLY NICE TO CHEW!? hahah! then took a cab home... with rachel to her house duh! and cassie took her own cab...awww poor thing...had to split up there...): so after reaching to rachel's house...WENT TO PLAY TENNIS! like i didn't play since last sat!!! and that's a really long time! hahaha! and there were people in the court having lessons...and they were so PRO!!! and i think they're only like 5-7?? ahh! reminding me of ETHAN and CHLOE!!! hahaha! they're so C-U-T-E!!! so ANYWAYS...played damn funny lah! cause we were so "SHY" to play infront of them...so we sucked quite bad...but...after they left we were like PHEW...and then played like normal...some more wasn't so bad as LAST TIME we played together...must train harder for the 3v1 haha! as if we're even gonna play! hahaha! after that...we went to her house and cooked dinner!!! so disgusting lah! and the rice i cooked was DAMN HARD AGAIN...haha! but already softer this time...haha! and cause the food we ate wasn't THAT nice...so later like 8+ we ordered MCDONALDS!!! (after alot of pleading to rachel!!! she finally gave in! yeah! LIKE SHE ALWAYS DOES...FALLING INTO MY TRAP! haha! i'm so evil!) so anyways..was watching the 9 o'clock show while eating the CHICKEN and drinking my ICE MILO!!! and my tummy was super super super BIG after eating...but then we didn't care and just went to sleep...and then cause rachel switched on the dvd played to play music...but then had to on the tv screen also...and it was blue...so the whole living room was BLUE!!! i was so scared lah! that i went to change to channel 5! haha! and it was AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL!!! haha! so went to watch...but was still abot freaked out by the light from the tv around the living room...so went to on the light...i dunno why...but the tv just gave me the creeps...haha! i'm a light hearted person...haha! (: so then before going to sleep off the light and then rachel switched to that blue thing again...and i got so scared AGAIN...haha! but then forced myslef to sleep! hahaha! and i did...and i forgot how i fell asleep...only remember that we were comparing the difference between how boys sleep and how girls sleep...haha!
SO...when i woke up..found that i turned 90 degrees!!! haha! so i was like lying perpendicular to rachel who was lying straight...haha! so changed position and slept again...haha! and i had a really really really weird dream that i'll NEVER USUALLY dream about...haiz...and it was kinda cool...haha! and like...nevermind...don't think i want to tell my dream..haha! and then woke up again at 10:30 so must have been wuite early when i woke up to change position...haha! and saw that rachel was still sleeping...so went back to sleep AGAIN...haha! but then had ANOTHER weird dream lah...was like connected to the forst one...but just that now got ANOTHER person who was in the picture...haha! so cool! haha! ok...after rachel woke up i woke up to0 which was at like 12:30???...and we didn't do anything but went toilet to clean up...haha! and then after that all i did was blog..haha! and rachel's watching tv now...haha!

Sunday, October 22 // 8:49 PM

ok...hmmm...what did i do today...woke up at 8 to bathe so that can do rachel's flowers...it didn't come like nicely lah! so me and mummy removed ALL the thorns and then had to cut the stem to the right sizeto the paper...and then later wrap the stems with cotton and then aluminium foil and then with plastic...and that already took like 1 hour! not as easy as you think you know! so then was the wrapping...omg lah! the stem was TOO LONG! so had to do everything ALL OVER AGAIN! so toke out everything and cut stem shorter and do like all the steps AGAIN...haiz...and then the flowers started dying!!! and the pink flowers became a lil brown...but the reds stayed ok! (: (oh! in the pic it looks yellow right? it's not...it's the lighting...) so after wrapping and all...it looks so horid that decided not to give her anymore...): but then she also messaged me that i cannot go to her house cause she slept late...haiz! then later went for tuition...and realised that i promised angie she could come to my house..but cause wanted to go rachel's house...then told her cannot come...but then later in the end SHE CAME!!! yay! and for some reasons...i agreed to play lego starwars with her on the xbox?!?! haha! THAT'S ONE BOYISH SIDE OF ME!!! so anyways...she played until 5 plus! (it was suppose to be 4.30..but who cares!) so after she went home...i was BORED! had totally nothing to do at all...): but to watch tv...not very fun when there's NOTHING to watch!!! at 7.30 (after dinner) went to bathe and followed amanda's method of putting honey on my face!!! S: kinda GROSS...but hope i doesn't do anything wrong...if not i'll be so SAD!!! D': i'll cry my eyes out! but nevermind about that...after that...was like so LUAN...planning what to wear for tomorrow's talentime...(: hope we do well like last year! 1pr'05 won 2nd place for BOTH competitions!!! yeah! 1 PR '05 ROCKS!!! haha! so was like trying to help pei jung also...bringing her a shirt tomorrow! haha! and then father came home from golf...brother came home from golf lessons...and mum home from fetching him. so i was home alone since 3+??? >:) hahaha! used to it already...EVERY sunday i'm home alone with nothing to do...so it's my sulking day...haha! JOKING! omg! schools ending soon! HAPPY and SAD cause it's ending...happy cause no more studies but really really sad cause i'll miss the whole 2pr!!! we're like so united(except from SOME PEOPLE...outcast)...some sort of...and like we know each other well cause most of us are from like sc primary!!! and we've been together for like SO long through the good and bad times ...some ppl even 2 years! i think i'm gonna cry this year...for some reasons didn't cry last year...: haha! and like this year i'm some sort of more EMOTIONAL??? don't really see me like this...usually i'm just happy or grumpy...now it's sadness depression (real and fake) happiness still grumpy...and sometimes eve weird feelings...: dunno what's happening to me...and gonna missno wonder i didn't know why i was so sad...hmmm...haha! new emotion...haha! (: ok! i think i'm happy now! hahahahahahahaha! I LOVE YOU 2PR AND 1PR'05!!! <3> WHIT CASSIE AMANDA JULIA(since last year) PEI JUNG TENNIS PEOPLE TUITION(feng hua ONLY) I THINK I WAS EMO JUST NOW...now i'm like so much happier!!! hahahahahah! NEW EMOTION! hhahahah! anyhooos...I'LL ALWAYS LOVE YOU 2PR and 1PR'05!!! <3

Saturday, October 21 // 11:19 PM
haha! i made this pic cause i was bored in the afternoon! like VERY VERY VERY BORED! cause couldn't sms so much cause like my phone bill is super scary...so sad!!! ): anyways...I WAS LATE FOR TENNIS!!! like for the very FIRST time): but then another BAD thing was that TING SHAN JEANNETTE NATASHA were all NOT there!!! but haha! i found XIN YI! super tall lah she! and she's only primary 5?? haha! but anyways! she partnered me for 54321 and also played with me! hahahah! and we had a massage together! hahah! after tennis lah...haha(: which cheered me up :D so tennis was quite ok today just that got SOME annoying person...and she's super ego and trying to act young??? not TOOT but another TOOT! hahahah! EVERYBODY was like everytime she talked then everybody would like (whisper) SHUT UP LAH! and like tai rong...repeated after her...haha! was damn funny! haha! after tennis was the usual...went to the toilet and waited for xin yi...and cause like ting never come so dun need to go and wait in the court too...haha! so wait finish already went to karaoke room to find my dad and ting's parents...haha! so farny! haha! and there was like this SOME SORT OF drunken man...and i always see him there every sat!!! hahaha! he is so xiao lah...shall not say the details...haha! but it was just DAMN FARNY! hahahahaha! and then ate peanuts and then left...yeah! haha! ooooh! went to adams road to eat after that...and i promised that i am never gonna eat anymore forever until i lose 4kg!!! it's a must...getting so fat lah! sigh...): anyways...need to go now...need to help PRINCESS RACHEL make SOMETHING...haha!

Friday, October 20 // 4:34 PM
wwhhhhheeeeee! today was such a fun fun fun day!!! we were suppose to have games day...but because of the haze then no games day! wooohooo! I HEART YOU HAZE!!! hahaha! joking! (: so then we had the WHOLE day free! but it was damn boring...cause had nothing to do ): and SOMEBODY(not THAT somebody...) went to bully me!!! damn irritating lah! made me so damn pissed... ):<
so anyways...cassie amanda and i went out!!! haha! so me and cassie went with me to my house first and then my father was gonna sent us...but amanda suddenly called to say she wanted to come too...(: guess why cause she was embarass that she missed 2 buses cause she flagged the bus and then before she got in the door closed!!! hahahaha! :D so we went to beauty world centre...the people there are like DAMN WEIRD!!! so we got really really really creeped out so we decided not to shop there anymore...haha! (: so went to eat macs!!! hahahaha! still owe amanda 70cents and cassie $2.50 omg! i owe so much money!!! hahaha! (: anyway after getting out of that creepy place...WALKED...i repeat...WALKED...to bukit timah plaza...felt short (to me) cause maybe i had amanda and cassie to talk to...and cassie was HIGH!!! hahaha!and then shopped for like really really long and we still couldn't find the chinese thingy! so irritating! so went to KAP!!! hahahah! walked more! haha! then i ate honey glazed chicken wing!!! amanda ate some sausage wrapped in bacon!!! and cassie ate beef sausage that tasted like beef jerky!!! OMG! WAS SO NICE LAH! hahaha! kk...forgot what happened already! haha!having too much fun! hahaha! only know that the bus ride was super funny! i kept on falling on to cassandra! hahah! and amanda hands STANK!!! hahaha! we had to squeez out the bus!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

Wednesday, October 18 // 9:32 PM
HAHAHA! today was like the most FUN i had in a few months...haha!the funniest part was like in tuition!!! haha! couldn't stop laughing...hahaha! :D lalala! ok...nevermind...shall blog about school first...we had BODY TALK from like only 8-9:30...and that's super short...some more like today we're having school until 3?! dunno what's wrong with the school...couldn't they like schedule it so that we could have gone home on time yesterday...haiz...but anyways! we got 2 bottles of facial soap from dove after the body talk...was quite fun...cause the woman was funny! haha! and she kept on saying that BOYS ARE DUMB!!! haha! SO TRUE! joking! hehe(: then after that there was a 130 question survey and like 2 other surveys too...dunno for what! and like the rest of the WHOLE day was free...haha! and we sang "2..3...4...tell the people what she wore...it was an insy winsy tiny winy yellow polka-dot bikini" hahah!so cute the song!!! haha!so then after that we suppose to have recess but me and cassie were in the class doing crossword and smsing lah...my phone did not have connection since like YESTERDAY NIGHT?!?! so stooopid lah! anyways...so when like the bell rang...suddenly cassie and i got hungry!!! )X almost died of starvation! haha! but then we ate in the morning...like ate ALOT! i ate potato and 2 nuggets and a fish and drank apple juice! I HEART APPLE JUICE...ok nvm! haha! so after playing uno i went to read spirit walker...which i dun understand so i had to read it from the beginning all over again...haiz...haha! so during lunch went to eat mee pok with cassie and amanda...then later sat with tiffany lynn felicia amanda and cassie! haha! so funny...they were like trying to explain the double science thingy to amanda and felicia came up with using legos!! haha! and then we they ended up explaining with our cans and packet drinks...damn funny! haha! (: after that was all boring...until school ended!! haha! then went to change and then went for tuition with whit! haha! the squeezing out of the bus part was funny...and OH OH OH! i just realised that the "what do you care about" teacher looks like MISS SWAN!!! hahaha! so funny! and she looks exactly like her lah! hahaha! and she squeezed passed me in the bus!!?? eeeeeeee

nvm...anyways...so at tuition...me and whit went to get a large sprite(me) and ice lemon tea(whit) haha! too big! and then we quickly went to class so we could get the back seat! haha! and then later we watched miss swan at the atm in whit's ipod...damn funny lah! haha!she's like TETETETETEGO! while putting her card in! haha! and then later watched part II of new york minute! hahaha! but wasn't really watching...and then later was damn funny. julia called my phone and then whit called and then we had conference while sitting next to each other!!! and like so we went out....and when lao shi like asked me where i was going and then i was like wo men qu oooooooooo(from miss swan) haha! that was like damn random lah! haha! anyways...we made alot of noise in the toilet...and outside...(: so happy!!! hahaha! and then oh! before that lao shi asked me how to unlock my keypad...then we were like say oooooooo(from miss swan again) then it will open and then she really did it!!!! hahah! and duh! it did not unlock! haha! ok...that's all i need to go do miss heng's farewell present...haiz...so sleepy! -_- zzZZ

Tuesday, October 17 // 6:05 PM

// 3:31 PM
yeah! just came home from school...phew! OMG...today was such a long day again! we had a i & e talk from like 8-3 but then we had a one hour recess again! but this time didn't eat mee pok...too salty (i don't usually say that)...haha...and i ate maggie mee fishball..makes me feel like primary one again...haha...use to eat the same thing over and over again! haha! but then today i added sausage!! haha! and xin wei is so sick minded!!! eeewww lah!and julia and whit and amanda was sitting like one table away from us...and i cannot eat with julia's face infront of me...haha! like the clatex thing...i spat out the ice chocalate...haha! :D and cause of them i couldn't eat without laughing..haha! and they were like giving me this FREAKY SMILE!?!? it's SUPER CREEPY!!! haha!but funny funny funny!!! haha! and then at 11:30 we started class again! so talk talk talk...blah blah blah...and then do the work...listen to the boring talk at the end..but the man was kinda funny..haha..he kept on repeating the words ok 2 times everytime he says it..haha :D and that's all!!! and...

Monday, October 16 // 6:10 PM
thank you cassie for boo boo the HIPPOPOTAMUS!
thank you julia for JASON!
thank you pei jung for the preety box!

ok...i'm happy today! but then SLEEPPPYYYY! haiz...slept like quite late the night before..NOT! hahha...actually slept around like 11...haha!
ok...today we had a enrichment programme which is like 6 hours?!?! omg lah! almost died and i was dozing off in the class and we were sitting on the floor in the music room! one word...
UNCOMFORTABLE!!! haha! and we were pratically sitting for 6 hours!! except the 1 hour that we were having recess...(: yay! i ate mee pok AGAIN!!! haha! with pei jung laura cassie xin wei and tiffany!!! hehe! just realised that ALMOST everyday i sit with different people...haha! :D but i miss RACHEL!!! <3>
so...oh! we had to do a dance at the end of the programme so we (laura cassie pei jung tiffany me) came up with this "dance" that me laura and pei jung are birds...and cassie is the timothy winters(i think) and tiffany is the angel!!! haha! so we were flying flying flying and then when cassie came we were suppose to fly away..haha! and then tiffany would just bring her away...haha! and it's kinda weird...haha! but we had fun fun fun!!! (: and then after school came home with amanda and then since then i forgot what i did already...except sleep...and i just woke up...hahah! :D

Sunday, October 15 // 10:35 PM
SIGH....today in the end didn't get to go escape): but nevermind...i spent ALMOST my whole day home...haha...was watching tv and using the com...but no one was talking to me online...HAIZ...so...went to my grandparent's house to celebrate my uncle's birthday...SAME DAY!!! haha! and every year we'll have two different cakes...haha! :D which is so cool...haha! his cake was CHOCOLATE...(make up for the chocolate lost yesterday...) and mine was some summer berries ice cream cake which lots of strawberries on the top!!! but so sad...the strawberries were like damn SOUR!!! i was eating with my face like this...S: haha! but it's yummy too! hehe...and i felt so childish playing at my grandparents house with my small little cousins...ages...2..5..6...and me...14! hahah! see the gap...and we were playing...SHOPPING...haha! i was the boss and cashier..haha...ended up doing nothing...haha! (: but i missed them...didn't go there since the exams started..no...actually since i started studying for the exams...haiz...and they're so cute now...haha! and I LOVE ETHAN from tennis...and my cousin is called ETHAN too! hahah! so cool! haha! :D oooh! my grandmother gave me $$$ for my birthday...but it's a little weird...the sum...haha! but not saying that it's little or anything...just a weird sum..haha! (: ok...i'm bored now..and STILL no one is talking to me online...SIGH!!!

// 10:46 AM


for WISHING ME a happy birthday and the presents!!!

// 12:41 AM

Saturday, October 14 // 10:56 PM
yay! i'm so happy! i just came home from seletar!!!
today was a good day for me...and not for ting shan! hahaha! SORRY TING SHAN!!! hahaha! ok...first reached seletar at 6:30...NOT EARLY..haha! then i waited and waited and waited for jeannette and then found out that she was still at home eating!! (PIG...jk jk) and then ting shan was at the golfer place changing...so waited until almost 7 at the courts...and then we sat there waiting and CHLOE is so CUTE!!! she's like only 5 and she's super tiny!!! aahhh! I LOVE ETHAN TOO!!! hahah! he's so cute too! (NOT snatching from you ting shan) hahah! (: so anyways...after that...went to play with coach sam and the tiny ppl joel and ting shan...hahah! awww poor dexter was crying!!! so sad...he was crying cause he doesn't like losing! hahah!and i was in the orange team... even though i prefer APPLE ting shan!!!hahah! but in the end...ORANGE WON! wooo hoooo! :D but i was in "jail"..so too bad...but cause i didn't get the game at all! hahah! but then later at 7...the tiny ppl and joel went to play in another court and only left me and ting to play with coach john..haha! I COULD HIT THE BALL todae...hahaha! but most of them went out...): as in i hit too hard...and my racket face was open a few times...hahah! but who cares! i hit the ball! hahha! (: after getting warmed up...went back to coach sam to play games again...can't really remember...OH! hahah!we were playing this 2-1 game which was damn scary if you are in the 1 position! hahah! and i'm only worth 6 ball points!(highest) hahah! and ting is worth 13 ball points???(i think)SO NOT FAIR! hahaha! but me and NAT(nut) had so much fun! haha!oh...jeannette was unwell!!! ): so sad...hahah! and then later we played king! hahah! xin yi was king lah! hahah! for super long some more! hhaha! but then *TOOT* had to become king...SHOW OFF!!! and *TOOT* is so MEAN!!! she told ting to GET LOST!!! wth lah! jeannette is gonna kill her! hahaha! GO JEANNETTE KILL HER HARDER!!! hahah! after tennis went to golfer's terrace to meet up with dad and ting was still rallying...and i left cause i thought we were gonna rush off...but in the end we stayed and i ate chicken!!! hahaha! but then later me and ting went back to the pool side to meet (i think) tai jun tai rong desmond and joel...but we found jeannette instead! hahaha! and actually THEY went to the golfer's terrace and then we had to go ALL THE WAY back to the golfer's terrace...haiz! so then later went to tv room with ting jeannette desmond joel...i love bean bags! hahaha! NVM! (: so i was just sitting on the bean bag...waiting...hahah! and STOOPID jeannette kept on complaining about losing the locker key...and guess where it was??? IN HER POCKET!!! I TOLD YOU JEANNETTE!!! hahaha! but nvm...and then later went back to meet dad and then went home...(: and now i have to go...to....HAAGEN-DAZS!!! GONNA HAVE MY CHOCOLATE FONDUE!!! hahahaha! have to rush now!!! bye bye!

// 12:08 PM
hellooooooO!i'm gonna blog AGAIN later cause i have nothing to do now...hahha! (: anyways...later at 5:45 gonna go for tennis!!! yay! no haze already means that i can play! woooohooooo! :D haha! then after tennis gonna go home and then go to Haagen-Dazs! hahaha! gonna eat CHOCOLATE FONDUE!!! hahah! to celebrate!!! yeah yeah yeah! i'm so HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY! hahahahahah! :D lalalalalalalaala! ok that's all for now! bye bye!

Friday, October 13 // 7:47 PM
I AM SO...



hahaha....made this heart out of paper!!!

thank you jocelyn for "teaching" me again!


// 3:57 PM
HELLLLOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! (: i feel so happy and awake today!!! hahahahah! and i just remembered that i fell asleep at 8:30pm yeaterday...and i slept for like almost 10 hours!!! cool!!hahah! most sleep i had this year...k nvm! hahaha!
anways...today we had to LEARN the dance for english talentime...haiz...last year 1pr'05 won 2nd for BOTH competition!!! hahahah! so cool! anyways...so we were learning this dance which was in hip hop...and it was REALLY REALLY REALLY complicated and confusing..and we were only learning the opening of the song...and it was already complicated...hahahah! and then we were like learning...and *TOOT* was dancing like a piece of cardboard lah!!! damn funny! hahahahah! and then thisbe got so irritated cause uh hmmm couldn't dance..hahah! :D but it was funny...so we had to go to this science thingy...but it was fun...we had to make a circuit thingy and then like different circuits can do different stuff...DUH...but like we made this musical door bell and it was HAPPY BIRTHDAY + MACHINE GUN sound...damn weird but cool! hahaha! and then cassie laura and pei jung had to sing happy birthday to me...haiz... i was like -_-" ok...hahaha! and the song was really really irritating..hahaha! (: and then we were also trying to make this lie detector..and it was SUPER complicating!!! and omg....after we made it...it DIDN'T WORK!!! aarrrrggghghh! hahah! but nvm...we continued learning the dance after break...everybody was like sitting on the bench and watching aleena ashley thisbe and joy dance and this *TOOT* was doing it...and she has NO hand leg coordination...she has hand BUTT coordination...haahahah! (: it was damn WEIRD!!! hahahahah! so and we realised that only ten ppl had to do the hip hop...and the rest...had to do OLD KING COLE...which is STUPID!!!hahaha! but i find it cute...ahahah! and we have to combine the subject CHINESE into it...and wth! how to combine!!! so now we have a english king and a CHINESE king...so...yup...i dunno...oh and me and cassie are GIRLS!!! and laura and pei jung are GUYS!! ahahhah! and me and cassie is either the princess or servants cause if you wanna be a princess...you have to wear like LONG SKIRTS!!! which cassie and I refuse to do...hahahahahahahah! (: and then RECESS!!!! woooohoooo! todae i got my MEE POK! hahahaha! and i ate 4 jellies! and xin wei ate 5!!! omg lah! we are JELLY PEOPLE!!! hahahaha! after that was some boring talk and then after the talk had to wait about one hour before we could go home...and hahaha...i forgot today was friday! hahaha! nvm...so we ended school early at 12:50..and...
jocelyn came to my house...we watched HOODWINKED!!! just realised that it's super cute and funny..(: drank alot alot alot of coke and ate alot alot alot of food....gonna be fatTER...hahahahaha! and that's all i have done today... SLACKED n ATE!!! haahhahahahahah! :D

Thursday, October 12 // 5:55 PM
aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! today we watched TAKE THE LEAD in school!!!! OMG!!! it's super nice!!! WANNA WATCH IT AGAIN!!!! :D their dance is like REALLY REALLY cool!!!! haha! but it's seriously nice...(:
anyways..today we didn't do much in class...but we had to write this essay thing for the mpp file thingy...and the essay was so stupid! it was about how were our studies and acheivements...blah blah blah...the usual boring stuff. But then later i wrote rachel a letter!!! like one whole A4 size paper!!! had alot of things to tell her...hahaha! recess was bleah..was damn crowded and then i couldn't get any food...and tiffany & pei jung was like eating mee pok and xin wei was eating mian and me...i was drinking apple juice and ice lemon tea and i ate 5 fishballs! hahahah! but i want mee pok! so after that went to watch TAKE THE LEAD!!!! yeah! so COOL!!! haha! but then we had to write a reflection essay...): boooo! hahah!
anyways..tomorrow we have a BODY TALK...think it's gross! d:

Wednesday, October 11 // 10:27 PM


// 9:51 PM
haha....yesterday i couldn't blog so that i can look as if i "DIED" hahaha! ok let me tell you the WHOLE story.....hahahah.....
after lit i was so happy cause i scored like quite well[to myself] and i passed! yeah!hahaha...but then later we got back MATH and SCIENCE!!!! [horror music plays] and i got really really bad...and then so i smsed bryan that i wanted to commit suicide...and guess what....HE BELIEVED!!! so me whit julia went to plan this prank...and that was to scare bryan and made it as if i died...which worked at first...but then later got quite out of hand cause bryan called and i accidentally picked up...hahahahahaha!!!! but i quickly threw the phone to jocelyn and she said that she was not me...and then hung up...and he bought it...so phew! hhahahahah! and so jocelyn became involved...hahaha...and so we made up thi story that i gave my handphone to jocelyn...hahaha! after that...we planned for tomorrows, which is todays...tuition. SO rachel also started convincing him...and it worked more!!! hahah!

We planned that today i'll go up by the side door and take a lift up to the toilet area and then i'll hide there until julia smses me...and julia and whit was suppose to say to bryan..."were you in contact with charmaine yesterday? we couldn't find her and like she didn't come to school today...blah blah blah" and we planned like really well already....BUT....
first was that on the way to tuition from the bus stop....guess what? we bumped into chuan yang and bryan...but we were very far apart...but was so obvious that i could be seen...so couldn't say the "i couldn't find charmaine thing" hahahaha...but we still entered the side and up the lift thingy...and then we had a new plan...and that was for me to pretend to ba sad...but then cause i was thinking of the BUTT thing...and i started to want to laugh...so then just nice...they came walking in and me whit julia all burst out laughing...and it was so obvious that i was SO NOT depresed...hahahahaha! but it was still funny... TUITION
and then i watched new york minute on whits ipod video...was damn nice until it ran out of batteries...hahaha! then later we were all like randomly choosing an answer for chinese compre and seeing who can get the most right...hahha...me whit and julia were all like 1s 2s and 3s over 5...haaha...and chuan yang was always getting a pass....hahahahahah! and bryan had 2 ZEROS!!!!nah nah! hahahha! damn funnae!!!
wooooo hooooo! today i'm so HIGH!!!! hahah! cause i passed ALL the paper that we got back today!!! hahahahahaha! even chinese and history lah! wooooo hooooo!!!! hahahaha!!!! i'm HIGH...no i'm not...hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!

Tuesday, October 10 // 9:32 PM

this will only be have been seen on the 11/10/2006 [the pranking day itself]

// 3:39 PM
This will probably be my very last post.
I'm just not in the mood anymore.

Monday, October 9 // 8:19 PM
omg...i'm seriously going CRAZY over spongebob squarepants!!!

sweet victory

The winner takes all

It's the thrill of one more kill

The last one to fall

Will never sacrifice their will

Don't ever look back

on the wind closing in

The only attack

were their wings on the wind

oh the daydream begins

And it's sweet, sweet, sweet victory,

And it's ours for the taking

It's ours for the fight

And it's sweet, sweet, sweet victory,

And the world is ours to follow

Sweet sweet sweet victory

// 7:36 PM
today was such a BAD DAY !!! haha! ok lah...not so bad...anyways...today i was suppose to be in rachel's house..but....yah...so nvm...
and then SOMEBODY not THAT somebody....as in somebody else came and nagged at me..and then i couldn't go to julia's house): and it was over some STUPID RETARDED thing! haiz...so i stayed at home the whole day and talked to julia on the phone for super long and then she sent me this really retarded video of MARY VIBRATING AROUND THE WORLD...it was damn funny...haha!(: and then people started spamming my blog..haha like julia!haha! but today and yesterday..the people who tagged me like many times are...rachel BOOBIE, julia BOOBIE, waltar CHOU, bryan TAN...omg lah! and they were like really really lame!haha!(: like the stupid RIGHT HAND THING waltar chou!!! haha! ok...i'm bored and watching drake and josh which is super funny! haha! nevermind...i'm bored...and tomorrow we're getting our marks back!!! ahhhhh!!!! i'm so gonna die...X_x sigh!

// 3:53 PM

Campfire song
Lets gather around the campfire
And sing our campfire song
Our C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song
And if you don't think that we can sing it faster then you're wrong
But it'll help if you just sing along
Patrick:Pam Pam Pam...
SpongeBob:C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song
C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song
And if you dont think that we can sing it faster then you're wrong
But it'll help if you just sing along
C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song
Patrick:Song! C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E...
SpongeBob:Squidward good
It'll help
It'll help
If you just sing along!O Yea!!

// 3:02 PM


F is for friends who do stuff together,
U is for you and me,
N is for anywhere and anytime at all down here in the deep blue sea!!!Plankton:F is for fire that burns down the whole town!
U is for uranium..... bombs
N is for no suvivors when you're.....
Spongebob:Plankton! That's not what fun is all about! Now, do it like this.
F is friends that do stuff to-...
Plankton:NEVER!!! That's completely idiotic.
Spongebob:Here, let me help you,
F is for friends who do stuff together,
U is for you and me,Try it!
Plankton:N is for anywhere and any time at all, Down here in the deep blue sea.
Plankton: I don't understand this, I fell all tingly inside. Should we stop?Spongebob: No! That's how you're supposed to feel!
Plankton: Well I like it, lets do it again!
Spongebob and Plankton:F is for frolic through all the flowersU is for ukeleleN is for nose pickin, sharin gum and sand lickinHere with my best buddy!Ha ha ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha,Ha ha ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Saturday, October 7 // 9:05 PM
heloooO!!! at SELETAR COUNTRY CLUB now!!! haha! didn't have tennis today and i only have 5min to type...and now i have to go!!! haha!!! bye bye!!!(:
-watch ppl play pool
-clean the floor at seletar


// 11:18 AM
omg...i just found out that whit sent this pic to me!!! haha!
This is quite shocking. He fell from a fair height and on impact he literally split open and his internals came out... You can see the horror on the faces of those around him.

julia and egg lovers is gonna be so sad when they see this...haha(:

// 10:30 AM

happy birthday SOMEBODY(:

i know you like LOVE PINK!!! (:

Friday, October 6 // 10:36 PM

ok...i feel really random now...haha!!! but it's true...it's hazy...haha!(:

// 6:58 PM
went to watch JOHN TUCKER MUST DIE todae!!!! (x

went with rachel to lido!!! we reached there at like 11+ and the movie was at 1:15...and so...we SHOPPED!!! haha! i bought like 2 pens and PINK stapler bullets...haha! rachel bought stickers and a highlighter...omg! i find myself so CHILDISH!!!haha! the movie was damn damn damn FUNNAE!!!haha! it'a a MUST watch!!! hahaha!(: after that was so cold...rachel went to buy a mirror thingy from the tent thingy and then went to orange julies and i bouht a TRIPLECHESSE dog!!! so yummmyyyyyy!!!! dying for it now...haha and then later went back to the tent thingy so that rachel could buy her name sticker thing. went back to my house after that. and now i'm gonna go out soon..yeah!

Thursday, October 5 // 11:54 AM


tennis rocks!!!








11 HOURS!!!

// 11:24 AM
shall not say anything about exams anymore...it's so depressing! haha! almost all the papers were so damn freaking HARD!!! except for geography, which me and rachel studied for like 11 hours straight!!! we had some rest in between..because we really needed it..and then we were already so tired and like dead...BUT....we still stayed up to plan SOMETHING for this SOMEBODY...but that SOMEBODY was so UNGRATEFUL to just DITCH us!!! ):<
the SOMEBODY story (4/10/06)
me and rachel were planning to buy something for that SOMEBODY's birthday...so we went straight after school and rushed all the way to far east plaza to find something PINK... and we walked round and round just to find the RIGHT thing. And we only found it after like 2 hours!!! cause far east plaza is some sort of BIG!and there's like SO many shops!!!finally found the thing that SOMEBODY wanted. walked in and started choosing over like tons of _____s...and we finally found the right one for that SOMEBODY!!! bought it and quickly rushed to "rachel's" house...to wrap it up like really nicely!!!and we took super long just to wrap it properly!!! but that SOMEBODY was so ungrateful to not KEEP their promise and just ditched me and rachel!!! so we couldn't give that thing to that SOMEBODY!!!):<
but now we're not SO pissed anymore cause we SCOLDED the SOMEBODY like crazy and even made SOMEBODY KNEEL down..even though it was over the phone!!! haha!(:today was the last day of eoys!!! but i'm not feeling high at all! haha!yesterday i was like uber high after the geog exam...but then was so sleepy cause of the long hours of studying!!!and i was so pissed and like sad cause of SOMEBODY!!! UNGRATEFUL FREAK!!!haha! but now i'm just feeling normal but i dunno whether to sleep or not..cause if i do...then if i wake up in the middle of the night i dunno what to do...nobody to talk to and nobody to keep me accompany and i'll be LONELY CHARMAINE (and that's not good cause i'll go crazy)!!! so gonna force my self to stay awake..which means i'm gonna say weird random stuffs...LIKE NOW! haha! oh speaking about random...TO RACHEL ONLY...1..2..3...WAH TODAY SO HAZY ARH?!...haha!i'm getting high HIGH HIGH!!!haha!!! lalala i dunno what to do now...there's just TOO MUCH TIME NOW!(making all those who are having exams now[like..uh hmmm]...jealous cause we don't have to study no more!!! yeah!)haha!(:

Monday, October 2 // 11:38 PM



Xin Wei<33
Hannah Lui(:
Hui Mei(:
Laura-evil twin 2(:
Mong Yi(:
Pei Wei(:
Pei Wen(:
Rachel Lee(:
Sarah Chia(:
Sarah K.(:
Xiao Min(:

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