

&Time after time
school reopens
adria's birthday-24/1
jean's birthday-11/2
chinese new year 18-20/2
esther's birthday-28/2
march holidays
rachel's birthday-2/5
POTC with xinwei-28/5
bowling at seletar-31/5
cassandra's birthday-3/6
whit's birthday-21/6
amanda's birthday-7/7
tairong's birthday-14/7
peijung's birthday-14/7
xinwei's birthday-21/7
national day-9/8
walter's birthday-23/8
jocelyn's birthday-15/9
amanda's birthday-19/9
julia's birthday-24/9
bryan's birthday-7/10
jolyn's birthday-15/12
claire's birthday-21/12
Monday, July 31 // 7:52 PM
aawww...so sad! today is mrs phua's last day at SC... and then that SHERMAINE TANG is taking over her place!!! eeww! she's so squeaky and so loud and so fierce! my gawd! hate her and i was like so scared of her!!! and do you know that like MARY calls me "SHERMAINE" and my name is like c-h-a-r-m-a-i-n-e not sher!!! and she like sat next to me during the whole assembly and i dunno why but when she adjusts her skirt, the whole chair SHAKES!!! and when she moves her leg, she like almost kick everywhere!!! even i fatter than her also never SHAKE and WADDLE like her. Bleah! oh! i was telling rachel that i can almost anything to Mary...anyways... today after school went to the com lab to help jolyn change her blogskin and then amanda was showing us some japanese pranks...and they like flunked the people off their chair in the sauna into the SNOW!!! somemore they were like all MEN!!! and they were all naked! but they censored THAT part lah! So...after that around 4:15...went to watch the farewell concert for mrs phua! gonna miss her... the school will be so havock without her! haha! kidding! haha! X)

Friday, July 28 // 6:35 PM
omg! i am like damn sweaty and sticky... so any ways... todae had some australian maths test which took over chinese and lit! YES!!! and there was science...bleah. And history... quite ok, and damn HILARIOUS!!! again... it's about you-know-who. She hit rachel on the head while JUMPING up to answer mrs bowness's question. And cause she jumped... it made cassie's table move... so omg!!! rachel was so disgusted and embarass...i think. So weird...ok...let me ask you this question...have you ever seen a duck march? (this is not a trick question)... did you ever see how you-know who walks? no no no, i mean WADDLE??? can you imagine it marching???so WOAH!! haha! and then later...she DANCED!!! haha! so funny and exaggerating!like she was standing on like the balcony...and when she jumped back...she almost like flew off the whole building!!! bleah! tt's all! haha!

Tuesday, July 25 // 9:37 PM
Hey hey! jo just left my house not too long ago. Had to stay back for footdrill...damn sian lah! and i had to end up in the same row as mary... sucks! X( dun even know hoe she got into marching... the people must be blind. Well so anyways... today was slack day! (that what me and cass call tuesdays on day 2) haha! cause there was only chinese music literature and home econs. In chinese was quite boring and pratically everybody fell asleep... haha! even cass and pei jung. And suprisingly...rachel was studying chinese?!?! and i was ABOUT to sleep...so anyways...music was so so. Just that some people got scolded and it was freezing like s***...haha! lit=time to sleep but cannot sleep... and home econs was like all hot and fustrating...got damn fustrated with the STU-PID sewing machine. It was all jammed up and stuff...nvm...k...i feel like snoozing! so... BUH BYE!!! X) zzZZZZZZZ
this was suppose to be sent in the afternoon...

Friday, July 21 // 10:42 PM
didn't blog for like so long already!!! so anyways, today something really funny happened today! ok maybe not THAT funny... Amanda got molested!!! haha! by somebody!!! in school! gasp!!! so omg!!! haha! it was *** **** aka MARY!!! she was standing behind amanda during TAPS... and when she walked past her, her whole, i repeat, WHOLE HAND touched amanda's butt!!! haha! amanda was so freaked out!!! "i am traumatised and require counseling" <- according to amanda!!! haha! then she quickly came and told me...then i told her about the 'leg' thingy... and now we have come up with a conclusion... *** **** aka MARY aka Fatimah aka Mariah etc... is... a... drums rolling... P.E.R.V.E.R.T!!! ooooo....
k...about the on top thingy...it's just a random thingy...but it really did happen...no lies...accept the traumatised and counseling part... haha X) other than all these...nothing else happened already... so bye bye! X)

Monday, July 17 // 6:45 PM

Musical: High School MusicalSong:
When There Was Me and You

It's funny when you find yourself
Looking from the outsideI
'm standing here but all I wantIs to be over there
Why did I let myself believe
Miracles could happen
Cause now I have to pretend
That I don't really care
I thought you were my fairytale
A dream when I'm not sleeping
A wish upon a star
Thats coming true
But everybody else could tell
That I confused my feelings with the truth
When there was me and you
I swore I knew the melody
That I heard you singing
And when you smiled
You made me feel
Like I could sing along
But then you went and changed the words
Now my heart is emptyI'm only left with used-to-be's
Once upon a song
Now I know your not a fairytale
And dreams were meant for sleeping
And wishes on a star
Just don't come true
Cause now even I tell
That I confused my feelings with the truth
Cause I liked the view
When there was me and you
I can't believe thatI could be so blind
It's like you were floating
While I was falling
And I didn't mind
Cause I liked the view
Thought you felt it too
When there was me and you

// 1:38 PM
i shall post about IDIOTIC things that happened today... urgh! so fed up already!!! >:(
First was Mrs Khong, AGAIN!!! cause ms wee told us that she swaped lessons with mrs khong because she will be going on a course this whole entire week. BUT, mrs khong replaced CE with MATHS!!! >:O and she said that she was going around to see who did not do their work or bring it. But of course ALOT of people did not bring worksheets cause we didn't even know there was maths...so she only gave the answers for the pages that we were suppose to do to those people who did it, cause she wants the others to be left behind...and slower than the other girls cause IT'S NOT FAIR TO THOSE WHO ARE GOOD! eeewww she makes me sick!
SO... before assembly, just heard that *** **** told cassie a lie!!! she always wants to make herself LOOK big!! and like HIGHER( as in like the class system thingy) than others...so... she told cassie that me and rachel ASKED her to come with us to the dance concert cause rachel invited me and we planned to trick *** **** to make her jealous. We were on msn and *** **** was also online. So I told her that she was going to die cause she didn't stay back after Guides to clean up and i said that Ms Ng was there and i also said that i have a "free"ticket to the dance concert. And she thought that Ms Ng was giving out free tickets... i dunno why!?!? but yah... so then i was like no!!! and then i BLOCKED her, it was part of our plan. To make her jealous and then block her. So she called me... and blah blah blah...so i told rachel and she did her part of the plan. She told kah whai on msn that she also has free tickets and pretended to ask kah whai whether she wanted to come and then blocked her. But OF COURSE rachel doesn't want her to go lah! but i dunno why, she told cassie that we WANTED (emphasis on the wanted) her to come but she REJECTED us...like WTH!!! there is like a diff between who rejects who you know!!! this type of things also want to make up stories!!! make HERSELF look "higher" than us!!!
i have like alot of weird things that *** **** said and done!!! and she like makes me so mad! Nvm..at least still got cassie and rachel and ppl to tell me what THINGS she has done...ok nvm! just ranting...
-saying that she doesn't want to lend me her comb, as if i wanted hers, cause she said that my hair was DIRTY and oily!!!
-saying that washing hair everyday is bad for the hair, it makes the hair too dry. LOOK AT HERS!!! o_o"
-Saying that i should not pluck my eyebrows cause my face is already so fat and plucking the eyebrow will make my face fatter.Like whatever!!!
-She said that she wears mini skirt!!! but she doesn't like it... AS IF!!!
-She said that she likes my legs!!! so pervertic!!!

Saturday, July 15 // 9:31 AM
(THIS WAS SUPPOSE TO BE IN YESTERDAY'S POST!!!it didn't come out..) so... starting from the guides part... *** **** suddenly said the weirdest thing that i have ever heard in my life!!! she said to me(we were not wearing skirts at that time..) "CHARMAINE! I LOVE YOUR LEGS!!" so i was like WTH!!! and then while i was "supervising" the place...i stopped infront of someone...and realized that it was *** **** but she didn't say anything to me. But i could see that she was pulling up her shorts and like making it tight so that she can see her thighs and then she was COMARING THEM AGAINST MINE!!! so OMG lah! so i ran to hide behind somebody...anyways...she is also the biggest CLUTZ in the whole world... i saw her trip over the poles that were malloted in to the ground like TWO times!!! Then she was like making the whole ground soft and everthing so we had to mallot the pole in AGAIN!!! oh! and while we were trying to make the gadgets thingy!!! AMANDA kept on throwing bundels of strings at me!!! so damn irritating!!! haha! but it's ok! cause i was going after her with the mallot! and oh!!! i suddenly remembered! while rachel see-toh was chasing me around the field, i had to cut through *** **** and her pole! she was like spinning it, so i said "MOVE!!! you think you are sun wu kong arh(monkey god)!?!?" so then amanda and jemaine started laughing and made me laugh too! haha! was so funny! and rachel stopped chasing me cause she couldn'e stop laughing... but after that she chased me again! actually got more one! but i have to study now!!! so BUH BYE!!!

Friday, July 14 // 5:58 PM
phew...i'm finally home!!! 'o' so tired!!! so anyways...school was SHORT! but the lessons was quite boring! but luckily there was no MATHS!!!yay! actually i use to like maths but now i hate it!!! (if you want to know why...read yesterday's blog) so anyways... had guides today... :( so boring...had to do like GADGETS!!! not fun at all! it was hot sticky wet and the whole place was filled with frogs flies and insects..eeeww >.<>
today's quiz! who is *** ****...
1) she is weird
2) she LOVES maths
3) she like olden songs
guese who it is!!! tag the answers to me!!!
(this is so fun!!! haha!)

Thursday, July 13 // 7:14 PM

// 6:38 PM
I REALLY REALLY REALLY HATE MRS KHONG NOW!!! >:( shes like trying to embarrass me infront of the whole class!!! Cause she gave us a worksheet to do for homeowork yesterday...and she hasn't taught us one part..so i tried the first 2 steps and like kinda gave up already...so she said i had to do that question with cassandra doing no.1 and kah whai no.3 and rachel no.4...so after i wrote down those two steps that i didn't know how to do..then i went up to her and said that's all i know how to do...can you HELP me...then she gave me like THIS stare... o_o with her googly looking eyes and didn't say anything. So i asked cassandra to help me with some parts...BUT! short fart(tt's what julia calls her anyway) had to go and like tell her to go back to her seat...so i used whatever cassandra has told me to figure out the answer...and i got it...CORRECT!! (thank you GOD!!!hallelujah!!!) HAHA!tt's the retribution you get for doing THINGS to me! jk jk! :) but then...she had to go and ruined EVERYTHING!!! by saying "how did you get this? you only knew how to do this because you copied from your friend right?!" and i said...no...then whatever she asked me...i answered correctly (yeah!) so she UNWILLINGLY said..."this is correct except for that this is negative (and btw...i wrote it down...but it was too SMALL!!!)"
ANYWAYS!!! enough about that...you know...i don't really get angry easily...but when i do... tsk tsk tsk! haha! oh! something funny happened in geog...actually, it's not that funny...Ms Ku just called kah whai 'whai kah' instead...so yah...i think tt's all that happened in school...

Julia and Jocelyn came to my house today!!! :) (it's really in a mess now... :( shit!!! have to clean up soon!!!) so anyways...julia only like played some computer games and then left at 5... :( then jocelyn also played some games and she got really fed up while playing "feeding frenzy"...haha! was so funny! :D she was jumping all over the place and was like...ai...nvm! you won't understand...haha!

hui mei told me some like dirty riddles and jokes to me...
1) if a quiz is quizzicle, what is a test?
2) (somebody else told me this...) If a king lives in a kingdom, where does a corn live in?

ans: (1) test-ticle (2)corn-dom - you have to say them to understand... X) it's disgusting right?

Wednesday, July 12 // 7:10 PM
today was a LONG day again...i think my days are either LONG,BORING or HUH? i dunno lah...haha! X) so anyways...cause today is wednesday...so it's super long. So like usual...had normal lessons...that was the boring part...but did not really sleep in class cause today i was like quite attentive...i think. OH! today was like nice because mrs bowness switched lessons with break...so she left kinda of early...like i think 15 minutes or something...then we had the rest of the day FREE!!! it was so cool but very boring...and no teachers came in. So then started playing truth or dare with pei jung mong yi laura(she did not play but she was SQUSHING me...) cassandra hui mei and kah whai... i dunno why i was playing...but the thing like only got to me ONCE!!! haha! :) so then after that, julia called her mother and she picked us up from outside school ( no need to take BUS! yay!) then had tuition...blah blah blah... then took bus home while JULIA'S & RACHEL'S parents came to pick them... so BLEAH lah!!! >:( wish like i had a driver or something... :( so tt's all! don't fell like saying anymore stuff after THIS...

Tuesday, July 11 // 3:18 PM
you know what...i think my memory is like really really bad...hmm..let me think what happened today... OH! i suddenly remembered already!
today we got SCOLDED by mrs bowness...because...ah nvm...
but today's lessons was like so...erm, how do you say it...SLACK!!!
first we had 2 lessons of CHINESE in the COMP lab(aircon)!So we were all playing and NOT doing the work.So i think lao shi was quite...erm...PISSED??
had music(in the music room,again...aircon!) after break(which i took 2 cheesels from cassie)
after that recess! didn't really eat, cause we were in the music room listening to rachel play the piano... XP
so then after that, had lit..OMG! was so tired during the lesson...*YAWN* and me and cassie couldn't stay awake at all lah! so we were half asleep...and all i remembered from the lesson was Rachel saying "OMG!" to something and it was so loud...so it kept me awake, some sort of.
Then had home econs!!! i dunno why i like it so much...but it's so much better than like normal lessons lah! So during home econs...hhmmm...oh! i CUT UP MY JEANS! X'( but it was from like primary 5...so like hack lah
oh and marie told me that on p5...she also wore the same brand(for the jeans) it's some pumkin brand...haha!
and then waited for bus 66 with amanda...so long!! and we were immitating some TYPE of ppl...like prostitudes and bimbos and this ji ko peh man...haha! was so funny! and then came home... X) my day was so BORING!!!


Sunday, July 9 // 9:55 PM
CLICK ON THIS for iloveEGGS!!!

Friday, July 7 // 7:48 PM
today was such a normal and i mean NORMAL day!!! was like so boring...and the last lesson HAD to be maths.Oh and today in lit, i think *** **** was trying to ignore rachel and me... so rachel purposely walked infront of the whole class and pulled her pencil box really hard so that it will make a realli loud sound. Well anyways... oh i slept through out the whole day AGAIN!dunno what's making me so sleepy...(stomach hurts like really bad now!)omg...this post is like uber short! gtg help rachel study! haha! :) she suffering from like over stress or something... buh bye! X)

Thursday, July 6 // 9:23 PM
so hungry!!! ok...hahas, anyways... our first lesson was music. Yay! then maths... sobs. But mrs khong was nice today. Anyways she was nice to most of us. then chinese,yuck, science,ok...and then pe and ce! yay! ok i'm just being lame now. Haha! :) so after school, came home and then i like slept through out the rest of the day...and only woke up at 8+.. and then my day like became so unlucky lah! well, 3 things happened, Everything my brother also included... first i some sort of got woken up by him... cause i was trying to sit then he suddenly came in and shouted "you sleep very long hor!!!" so i got woken up by him already... next was when i needed to bathe and then he was like sitting on the toilet bowl SHITTING lah! so i had to wait for him until he was done, but he was purposely delaying cause i was like screaming!so after i bathed and decided i should eat like something...BUT when i went to look what's for dinner,my mother told me that he wiped out all the food except brocolli and like a 3/4 eaten fish and some soup...so like now i'm starving!!! but my father kinda of like saved me...he bought a curry bread thingy...k buh bye!!! X)

Wednesday, July 5 // 10:47 PM
Today was such a long long day! first, had SCHOOL lah duh!but today was until 3pm ok!?!Oh something very funny happened in class today during RAP... cause like me julia and pei jung were sitting behind kah whai and rachel was sitting next to her. So... kah whai was like reading her book or something then she was also scratching her head because of her you-know-what hair...after like scratching even more, she started using like both her hands to scratch her WHOLE head...it was like so eeeww! ok shall not be so mean!!! haha! X) anyways... after school had TUITION. Today was so boring again! cause we exchanged classes with the sec 3s, i think. but i got to leave class early again!!! yay! haha! cause went to watch superman!!! the show is quite ok lah!Is just that HE CAN'T DIE!!! so idiotic! cause everytime "superman" gets like so close to dying, then someone will some along and save him... but it's a must watch lah huh.... :) haha! my day was not as long as i thought! byyyeee! <3



Xin Wei<33
Hannah Lui(:
Hui Mei(:
Laura-evil twin 2(:
Mong Yi(:
Pei Wei(:
Pei Wen(:
Rachel Lee(:
Sarah Chia(:
Sarah K.(:
Xiao Min(:

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